Can somebody please help me? I am from New york city and investing here is very expensive.So my question is how can I do assignment of contract in another state?
for instance i see down south have very good offers on the table, but i dont have money to travel and i would like to invest down their. How can i do that from new york. somebody please respond!
Thank you.
You may want to try to find a partner that you could do deals with. Also, you may want to try to build a buyer's list for those states you are interested in and then work with real estate agents in the state. The internet is a great tool for gathering information and real estate listings.
Another idea might be to increase the area you are looking at near you. Maybe a 2 hour drive or a quick cheap flight say on Southwest Airlines to another state. I often see air specials for less than $100 roundtrip to cities that are close to your area. I hope this helps. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
Thank you, Your advice helped out a lot.