Just wanted to say thanks to Dean for this entire site. I must say that I am a very skeptical person when it comes to any money making programs. Dean tells it in his book and his shows in a "real" way and does not try to "sugarcoat" any situation. These are real strategies and real ways to improve the quality of your life. I thank Dean for telling things in a way that reaches the person's heart and soul, and he is someone that had a tough start but never gave up. It is truly inspiring to me, and is now part of my everyday life. Dean isn't someone that is trying to rip people off. He geniunely cares, I can feel it when I read his material and watch his shows. That is what has sold me to this site and I haven't ever believed anyone on T.V. in the past. Dean keep reaching the hearts of your viewers and subscribers and you will continue to leave your competitors in the dust as you say.
Thanks again
Thank you for sharing your insight and comments. It is great to know that Dean truly cares about the success of his students. Dean was so generous with his time to organize the live Gain the Edge Event 2009, this website, the newsletters and the conference calls all reaffirm his commitment to his students.
How great is Dean to share 20 years of his knowledge in his programs and books for the rest of us to use and succeed. The hard part is learning how to do it and Dean presents it in a way to make it easy to understand and apply. Dean is truly an inspiration to us all and I can tell you that he has changed my family's life and we are very grateful for all he has done for us with his books and programs. Good luck with your REI. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
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Joe Jurek CPA
Just wanted to say for me, it is an opportunity that you don't see often. I feel so blessed that this time in my life I was able to try and make a difference for me and my family with Dean's program. Although I have yet to meet him, I feel like he's been a life time friend. It is hard to believe sometimes that my dream of financial freedom is just one step away with his help. But this time I'm believing with all that I have. You get to a point where you just have to take responsibility for where and who you are. And make a change. I am honored to have been able to take part in his technique. And that he is sincere and patient enough to share his knowledge with all of us. He is just an Amazing person. No doubt! This is the right connection and right time.........Continued success. Lubertha