I feel like I need to clarify something that I started with the thread "frustrated by coaching". I should not have started that just because I agree that we should keep these forums positive. I have had some disappointments with them but they also had taught me some great things. I don't want anyone to not go for the coaching just because of what I said. Make your own mind whether you need it and can afford it, everyone is different. That's all , let end the negativity including with myself . Thanks!
I believe something good always comes from the bad or the "oops"
Stuff happens when we are stressed that we wish we handled differently. But by the time we calm down the mess has been made.
Though it causes a stir, and we did not mean it to go the way it did, maybe good will come from it in the end.
Just hang in! You will get your first deal done just like I will.
Just stay positive. Oh, and perhaps the next time you are ready to blow up take a deep breath before you type LOL
Just hoping to make you chuckle!
Good Luck& don't give up!
Martin, I can really relate to you. This Real Estate Investing stuff sure has it's ups and downs. It's unrealistic to pretend that none of us ever gets frustrated or down. Please don't think you are alone. But I also agree with you that we really need to stay focused and as positive as we can. This site is great for lending support to all of us, and when I come here when I'm feeling frustrated with REI, I almost always leave feeling much better. Reading your original thread about your frustration didn't make me feel more negative. It made me feel NORMAL and comforted that I'm not the only one struggling right now!! That said, I will try to keep my posts purely positive also!!
Put it aside and move forward toward success! I have certainly posted my share of frustrations here, and later worried that I might deter someone from RE, which of course was not my intent at all. But truth is this business is not easy to get started in - it takes alot of time, determination, studying, courage, hard work and faith. There will always be ups and downs and highs and lows. We just need to remember to take the lessons learned from both and apply them to the building blocks on our way to the top.
my story:
I remember that post! The second thing that came to mind was,Randy leave it alone and i hope i did that! The first thing that ran thru my mind was; I make my future and that is all i have to say about that. The Great Martini you are my hero for having a goal! I did see it get out of hand,Still fustrations will over come us all...If we let them! Thanks Laura.