House Thieft

House Thieft

Good day

I am not to sure were to put this question so everything else seems a good go to.

My story is i started this program and even Dean's class 7 years ago and have DONE amazing..Thank you DG Team for that. I started off in MO as it was cheap let me practic and if i failed...i'd lose a few thousand at most..compared to 100's were i live currently.

The problem

I sold my last house out in MO, i signed a quick deed transfer had it notirized and sent to him in trust he would pay as well trust in his lawyer.

Well they are 2 weeks late on payment, house still seems to be in my name. My question is how can i stop a transfer and avoid legal action. I am thinking call the court house, but i am not sure what to request or ask. Tell them their is a possible fraud QD out there?

My thinking is asking that the house is not to be xfered unless the home owner is present, would that kind of thing work?

I looked into real estate legal laws, and it keeps going towards federal real estate theift, which seems extreme for a house that don't even cost 10k on a good year.

Any suggestion, idea legal advise or help would be great. thank you


Has this blog turned into morons and lame responces

That has nothing to do with this nor why you go there worries the creditibility of people on here.

Ether way i started years ago way before Dean was arount with Mr. Sheets and Trumps self written mini books.

Ether way thanks for the waste of time, please "Troll" someone else

David who are you fussing at ? someone must have deleted

their comments.....



If you ONLY signed a quit claim deed, you signed away all rights and interest in said property.

There should have been a purchase sale contract with EM and details of price terms etc. and it all should have been to attorney and/or title co.

I suggest you contact an attorney immediately!


Mike Free tools

Spell Check

In your initial post you said:
"i started this program and even Dean's class 7 years ago"

Now you're saying:
"i started years ago way before Dean was arount with Mr. Sheets and Trumps self written mini books"

Do you now see why I questioned the fact that you've only been a member since 2010? I wanted to make certain you're not phony and simply out to troll. Funny numbers are always a red flag especial when it comes to real estate.


P.S. - Everything else is immaterial, irrelevant, and unnecessary.

Ok well I don't know what to make of this

But, I think that my friend is correct above that you signed away your house, why you would do that without some sort of payment or contract I dont know why but yes get an attorney which will cost you money but if the house is worth 10k perhaps you can spend a few hundred dollars.



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