You have faced great challenges in your lifetime, you have been knocked down time and time again, but you rise back up every time you are knocked to the ground. You push forward. You refuse to quit. These obstacles only strengthen your resolve. These struggles build your character and shape your legacy. With each failure you are that much closer to your inevitable victory. You will make the impossible---POSSIBLE!! This is your defining moment. Be determined, be focused, be relentless, be intentional, be decisive, be driven, be unstoppable and be thankful. Be in this moment. This is YOUR life… with passion, live with purpose, live your dreams. YOU decide! It's up to YOU! The time is NOW! Make the quality decision that today is the last day of the way you used to be. Then muster up enough courage to take a step. So what if you 'tried' and didn't get the results you expect. Get up and begin again. It's YOUR life -- You have the power to design it as you wish. How you began, what your circumstances are now -- DON'T matter! Your past Does NOT determine your future. It can only hinder you if you keep dragging it around with you where ever you go.
It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not. Find out who you are and do it on purpose! Nothing great was ever accomplished inside the comfort zone. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is the feeling of growth!
You are closer than you think! Everything you want in on the other side of fear and uncertainty. What you run from rules you. It you want to master it....face it! The victory comes from going through it! There has to be a battle of some sort in order to have a victory.
All boils down to three choices: Give up, give in or give it all you've got!
This is your time! Go out there and take it!
Play like champions ---- WIN!!! Doesn't mean the other team want score some points.
Just remember no one ever remembers the one who started the race, they only remember the one who finished! So finish well!
Go hard, get free, die empty!
Every word you said should be repeated day in and day out when waking up and AGAIN before going to bed at night. We are what we think and we are what we speak and then needs to come ACTION. I suggest each and every one of us print out Jens post and use it to create a HABIT of developing our minds !!!!!
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Thanks for sharing this inspiring post, this post just recharged my day.
Reynold Orozco
Thanks Jen very, very motivating & inspirational!
Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC
~thoughts become things along with taking action~
{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}
You nailed it with this post! "All boils down to three choices: Give up, give in or give it all you've got"! You summed it up brilliantly in this statement. Each failure only gets you closer to that victory, or first successful deal. Having the right attitude, and never giving up is the real difference between failure and success.
Well said and I couldn't have said it better. I always get back up!!! True, your struggles make you who you are today. Sometimes you sit and wonder why....why....why me. It's just a learning lesson. Your destiny to the future. Your experience. Now you can tell a story and someone may learn from your experience. Hey, I'm thinking of writing a book in the future.
All the best!
Do something you've never done --- Get uncomfortable
To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.
i see why your a superstar everything you touch shines thanks again for the motivation
Please dont forget to add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.
A superstar your my superwoman.
Keep up the good work your setting examples.
IM a Diamond in the rough looking for partners I would like to be apart of dean's elite team in the very near future my goal is 100 properties a year
god bless all the members may we all shine bright like diamonds.
I have read this before. I can't get enough of the passion I feel while reading it.
WE all have had times when we feel inadequate and don't think we can measure up. I felt this when I was working for a local government. I worked there for several years. Every year was another year thinking that I would never do anything more than this. I was always down on myself because me and my family were barely scraping by. I knew I had to make a change.
In walks real estate investing. It has changed my life! Not only financially but mentally as well. I now know that there is nothing that I can't do. If I can go from a government worker to a career in real estate...I can do anything.
So I echo the words of bamagirl. Live like a champion! Make today the first day of your new life. A life you control. A life you in which you are in charge. It is only up to you!!! Make it happen.