A really good day

A really good day

Hello all, just wanted to make a quick post. Had a really good day today, was running some errands and saw a FSBO. Was getting the info when the owner pulls up to the house, we chatted for a while and set up a meeting to go over some numbers and see if I can help him out (divorce sale). Also saw another house boarded up, was getting info when neighbor came up to me and gave me the run down on the property, left her my business card. Turns out she knows the owners daughter and is going to contact her for me, of course I told her I would give her a birddog fee if I got it locked up & sold. She asked if I would do that with any house she could find, I said sure. I'll be emailing her a birddog agreement and she'll be scoping out that area for me since I don't really live in the area. Not a bad days work, too bad I had to end it by going to might "regular" job. Although I know that if I keep working it I won't have a "regular" job for too long. Laughing out loud


Jean Maestre
The Maestre Property Group, LLC

"Our deepest fear is NOT that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

"Do or do not, there is no try"

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache, carries with it the seeds of an equal or greater benefit"

Follow up

So after I spoke with the above people I went to my mothers house and she had some friends over. We started talking real estate and they are both looking to do lease options, the hits just kept coming yesterday. Laughing out loud


Jean Maestre
The Maestre Property Group, LLC

"Our deepest fear is NOT that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

"Do or do not, there is no try"

"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache, carries with it the seeds of an equal or greater benefit"

Wow! Way to Go!

When you take action, things start to happen for you! That's absolutely true.