What's stopping you?

What's stopping you?

So often as coaches we encounter students who are struggling. We're told all the time that they are doing "everything" they've been told only to accomplish nothing. When we encounter this, there seems to be one common. It's what they have in their head. It's the little devil on their shoulder sending them self-defeating messages, and frequently they don't realize it’s happening.
We all know that the strategies taught by us and by Dean produce success. It's been proven time and time again. The only factor that isn't in the equation is us. When we feel discouraged or upset, do a self appraisal, take the 7 layers deep quiz, check your attitude and what you’re saying to yourself. It will always be easier to talk back to others than it is to ourselves, but occasionally when we are feeling defeated that’s exactly what we need to do. Analyze what/who is stopping us. Identify the cause and get rid of it. Don’t let it stop you from moving forward. Remember what inspired you to move forward and change your life and don’t let the little devil on our shoulders stop you.
No better time than the present. So, what’s stopping you?


The ONLY one that can Stop You is YOU

YOU stop YOURSELF or you FORCE yourself to continue the road to SUCCESS at all cost

Make YOUR Goals and set a PLAN to reach them, then just
FOLLOW the yellow brick road!!

"We all know that the strategies taught by us and by Dean produce success. It's been proven time and time again."

THE path has been layed out in front of EVERYONE

"Is the financial future of my family and me worth the time and commitment NOW to focus on Goals that will change OUR life FOREVER?!!"

Think about it OR get busy

see links below


https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools

getting rid of that little devil!

I KNOW that I've got a little devil on my shoulder and I'm about to flick him off! Smiling I've got a new reason to succeed in REI!! I'm going to get er done!

clarsen wrote:
So often as coaches we encounter students who are struggling. We're told all the time that they are doing "everything" they've been told only to accomplish nothing. When we encounter this, there seems to be one common. It's what they have in their head. It's the little devil on their shoulder sending them self-defeating messages, and frequently they don't realize it’s happening.
We all know that the strategies taught by us and by Dean produce success. It's been proven time and time again. The only factor that isn't in the equation is us. When we feel discouraged or upset, do a self appraisal, take the 7 layers deep quiz, check your attitude and what you’re saying to yourself. It will always be easier to talk back to others than it is to ourselves, but occasionally when we are feeling defeated that’s exactly what we need to do. Analyze what/who is stopping us. Identify the cause and get rid of it. Don’t let it stop you from moving forward. Remember what inspired you to move forward and change your life and don’t let the little devil on our shoulders stop you.
No better time than the present. So, what’s stopping you?


College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen

Don't be Mean!

I am going to say this it's a choice you make when you decided to change your life with dean's Academy, you make 8 deals and you said after 5 deals you would get your money. you did great job accomplishing 8 deals but if they haven't send you the money consider it a seed sown, because the teaching you got I don't thing you would find it any where and the forum site you have privilege to is great everything shared with you,you more than make back your money,and to top it off you taking them to court come on" if you did buy and hold go take the equity out or if you past off those properties then that means you don't save your money that you make. Good Luck! may the blessing of God be upon your life.

Life's roadblocks....

FEAR (F-alse E-vidence A-ppearing R-eal). And the difficulty of finding a bona-fide RE Agt to work with is slowing me down, but not stopping me. It is frustrating as many RE Agts say they work with "investors", but I think we have vastly different opinions of just what is an "investor".

It appears to most RE Agts that "investors" are ppl who pay close to full retail for a nice property and basically hold it for CF as a Landlord. Nothing wrong with this type of "investor" at all; and I need plenty of them on my Buyer's list so I can wholesale properties to them.

However as a Wholesaler I'm not looking for nice properties and certainly cannot pay close to full retail. I'm looking for what Dean describes as motivated sellers, vacant properties, fixer-uppers that absolutely need work and have had a (recent) price reduction. However, try to get a RE Agt to understand that or be willing to work with me on those type of properties is I've discovered altogether something else.

Actually I have taken all of the necessary coursework to sit for my RE Agt's Seller's license; and I may just do that out of frustration. I don't really want my Sales Person's license mind you, but if life presents a road block (i.e. a difficulty in finding a RE Agt that truly will work with investors), as Matt says "go over it, around it or through it". I will not let this obstacle beat me!!


What is stopping me.....


When I first read your post I thought I understood what this was in reference to. Now after watching Dean's latest Insider video, I see that I may have been wrong.

It is still FEAR of Failure; not wanting to color outside of the lines as Dean said in his video; having been pounded for doing so previously and pounded at 'jobs' (J-ust O-ver B-roke) in the past. But you know what?? I truly want to get to that time in life again where I'm not afraid to jump in the mud puddles....and thank you Dean for sharing such a wonderful story with such deep meaning. I AM GOING TO CRUSH THE VILLAIN AND I WON'T LET HIM HOLD ME BACK!!!

That is what makes Dean's site so different; he absolutely personalizes it, jumps in the puddles, and isn't afraid to color outside of the lines. Thank you Dean; thank you for making me realize some things that I just didn't want to recognize. You rock!