Twitter and the Edge

Twitter and the Edge

OK, so- I just did a hashtag search on Twitter of #DeanGraziosi and you know what I found?
ONE Lonely tweet, and it was mine...
SO my questions...
How are folks using the "Social Networks/ Networking" in business?

HOW Many folks out here, are also on Twitter, and using that to help grow their business?

Is anyone who is also on Twitter, going to be at the Edge Event?

if you AREN'T on Twitter, where are you folks? facebook? myspace? Livejournal? Linked-In? Please, tell me? I think these are all part of that networking equation we each need to put together to succeed and we ignore them at our peril. "No one is an island", and all that.

And I would LOVE to trade tweets with someone who is at the Edge Event this weekend! Name there is the same as here! Laughing out loud Sticking out tongue ;D (End shameless plug!)


Hi Susan,

Hi Susan,

Elix started a thread on this, below is the link:



Ah, Thank you! I knew I

Ah, Thank you! I knew I couldn't be completely alone out there! Laughing out loud