When do the RE agents work the hardest?

When do the RE agents work the hardest?

Hey Guys,

Got a quick question here. Does anyone know what time of day is the best time to reach a good real estate agent? It seems that there could be a few factors that come into play here. Like, when they're going to be in a good mood, or when they're inclined to call you back quicker, or what time of day they might want to work a little harder? I looked to try and find this question before I asked but came up short. Thanks in advance to anyone that can give me some insight....

Sean Bearden
Shui the Builder


Sean Bearden
Shui the Builder

Every question has many answers

Sean, every real estate agent is different like you and me. A good or great real estate agent is going to be their for you no matter the time of day or the day of the week. Don't stop dailing until you find him/her!!