Where to finish!

Where to finish!

Hello DGers,
I'm completely new to real estate investing and I have found a property that I believe is foreclosed on and I want to try and wholesale it. I've searched for information, tried to contact the bank that owns it through e-mail but I never got a response. I've set up a buyer's list through craigslist and I think I have much of what I need to getting started. I just don't know what to do in terms of trying to get a contract in the works with the owners of the property?

Does anybody have advice or is willing to mentor me? I am located in Brooklyn, NY!


You're talking about getting in contact with the bank?

Then the best thing to do would be to call or go in person to the bank.
Be aware the bank will most likely want either a POF letter or a lending pre-qaulification
Good luck!



"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee