when an investor buys a property does he base the houses value on what it will sell for fast after repaired? or what the bank will appraise it for (loan them on it)after repaired? considering they will traditionally hold the place i figure they are more interested in the value in the banks eyes number. were I live the 2 numbers can be very different. and without telling me just offer half of list how are you guys coming up with home values?
I use Deans Total View and Homes.com and average all the numbers
From what I understand a realtor will have the most accurate comps. Randy, one of Dean's successful students, says he always uses a realtor's comps to get the most accurate value of a property before he makes his offer.
Different investors have different requirements for deals. You will have to find out from them, what they want.
Hope that helps.
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Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee