timing of when to execute the Lease Purchase or Assignment doc

timing of when to execute the Lease Purchase or Assignment doc

I never want to commit myself to a contract without having a Tenant Buyer or Assignee committed or signing simultaneously. To avoid getting stuck on a Lease with Option to Purchase OR Assignment, is their a document or language that a seller will accept,that gives me the right to cancel within 30-60 days (so I have time time to find or commit a Tenant Buyer or Investor/Assignee)? Dean's books refer to "having your investor/tenant Buyer lined up", however, I do not want to commit legally unless I have the TB or Assignee and.....I don't want to show the TB or Assignee the property unless I have it tied up.What should the steps and timing be?


to answer your question

you can use a simple option contract! this gives you the option but in no way locks you or the seller into buying or selling!


yes you can add a "weasel" clause into your L/O agreement with the seller. Just be honest with them and explain it to them so there are no problems with them in case you have to cancel.

Another simple way is to simply ask the sellers to pay your first payment 60 days from the contract date.


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