Ok today for the first time in Years I Signed up to get my Free Credit Report with my Credit Score & it hit me like a ton of Bricks that my Credit is in Shambles I'm in BAD! Shape with been in the 500 Score range & I'm getting Calls Day & Night from 7AM to 9PM at night from Bill Collectors , & I'm like I'm Totally sick of it I need A Change Now & Need it Fast the 500's Score with all 3 Credit Agents Was & has been A Huge Wake up call that I do need to Get my Butt up & Do Deans Books , I can not deal Another day with Bill collectors calling me & BAD! Credit.
Just the other Day I was thinking damn i'm 28 years old , Still young , I could have Brand Spanking Clean Credit , I Should be able to go out & Buy any House or Car I want I'm like What in the Heck was I thinking By Getting Credit cards & not having money to pay for them , I'm like I could kick my own self in the Butt for been Stupid I should be in my own house Not worrying about Bills & Credit & Rather if I can ever repair my Credit.
Life isn't easy with A Huge 500 Score Mark on your Credit Report No One will give you anything Or if they do give it to you , You pay a high Rate % .
So as of Tonight I'm Signing My Free Credit Report to be Mailed to me , & I'm trying to do A few Deals even if I only get 12% that 12% is going toward paying off Debts & getting my Credit Back to were it Should be .
My Credit should be in the 800's not Damn 500's & Thats Exactly what I'm going to Work for My Goal Credit Score is 850 I think I can do it .