This is what Has me to be so Driven to Get my Finances Back

This is what Has me to be so Driven to Get my Finances Back

Ok today for the first time in Years I Signed up to get my Free Credit Report with my Credit Score & it hit me like a ton of Bricks that my Credit is in Shambles I'm in BAD! Shape with been in the 500 Score range & I'm getting Calls Day & Night from 7AM to 9PM at night from Bill Collectors , & I'm like I'm Totally sick of it I need A Change Now & Need it Fast the 500's Score with all 3 Credit Agents Was & has been A Huge Wake up call that I do need to Get my Butt up & Do Deans Books , I can not deal Another day with Bill collectors calling me & BAD! Credit.

Just the other Day I was thinking damn i'm 28 years old , Still young , I could have Brand Spanking Clean Credit , I Should be able to go out & Buy any House or Car I want I'm like What in the Heck was I thinking By Getting Credit cards & not having money to pay for them , I'm like I could kick my own self in the Butt for been Stupid I should be in my own house Not worrying about Bills & Credit & Rather if I can ever repair my Credit.

Life isn't easy with A Huge 500 Score Mark on your Credit Report No One will give you anything Or if they do give it to you , You pay a high Rate % .

So as of Tonight I'm Signing My Free Credit Report to be Mailed to me , & I'm trying to do A few Deals even if I only get 12% that 12% is going toward paying off Debts & getting my Credit Back to were it Should be .


My Credit

My Credit should be in the 800's not Damn 500's & Thats Exactly what I'm going to Work for My Goal Credit Score is 850 I think I can do it .