I'm Creating Flyers to sell my homes & get leads & Buyers , I'm needing help in All states all over the World to help Hang Flyers up To get me Leads & Buyers .
So I'm looking for Helpers in each 50 States to Help me out with passing out Flyers & I'll Pay each 50 people $1,000 from Whatever Profits I get In A Sell I get from You getting my Flyers out there On the Streets into Buyers Hands .
Thats $1,000 Paid out to each of the 50 People who want to help out .
If you want to help & get Paid Just PM Me TODAY !
Yes I'm Designing my own Real Estate Flyers To start Passing out & Hanging up For my Business to Kick in & For me to get My Homes Sold .
If you'll like to Help me out Just PM Me
You must be 18 or older
Have A Car to get around
& have A E-mail Address
You'll need to report to me By Via Webcam On where You've Posted my Flyers up at
You can Buy A Flip video Cam if you want to Carry around w/you or just use your Webcam you already have To Report to me .
I'll give each of my 50 Helpers A Number from 1 to 50 This will Be the number I'll go by When I Get leads or buyers or Sells & the number & Name of my helper When I Send out A Check For that persons Help in A Sell .
So lets do this .
I have 5 Helpers I Need More help If you are interested Just PM me I'm going through my E-mails Just now Replying Back to each Person , I'm Creating My Flyers There be 2 Flyers to Pass out & Hang up on Windows .
There will Be A Agreement Document Signed Before Any helper starts their Job this Agreement will include How much I'll Pay you For any Profits You Bring me & to Protect You & I legally .
You are also Helping me Build A Huge Worldwide Buyers List Just by Posting up My Flyers So you are not just Bringing me Profit's , But You are also Helping me with Creating A Network Of Buyers to Create A Buyers List .
So I'm Paying You $1,000 For any Deal you Bring to Me just by You Posting up My Flyers .
You are Helping me With
1. Create A Buyers List
2. Bringing me Cash Buyers
3. Profits
This is what you'll Help me with & Get paid just for Posting One Of My Flyer's up.