Sorry for the !!!! \
I have a great Realtor worjking with me, A few fellow Investors I am learning from and working for, and Proof Of Funds, just don't have a solid Private money lender ...
I don't care if you have NOTHING to bring to the table or I care about is you giveing at least 100% of your effort 3 or more days a week.
I understand if you work a 9-5 because I don't and I will cover more work if that is the case. I am just looking for someone who will be able to keep this business going when I can't and that is about 2 days a week I have to see my son.
I also think 4 hands and 2 brains are better than one even if sharing profits.
I have been on here for a while and been studying Dean's program for about 7 months now. Took me that long to learn what I know about Real Estate and I have learned quite a bit,
Please message me anytime so we can speak over the phone. I get a much bettr idea when I speak to someone on the phone and even better when we meet in person.
I am very serious I have another in South Carolina who I am wanting to partner with but not until I get down there to see a friend. We are going to speak soon though and set it all up. Matter of fact I am going to call her right now.
Anyway, Please message me anytime so we can get a better idea if we can work together or not.
Thank you
Kind regards,
John Morrison Jr.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man ... George Bernard Shaw
Luck Can Beat Skill Any Day ...
John Morrison Jr.
sounds very lucrative...
As A Man Thinketh, And So He Becomes........!
I would like to have a partner if nothing else someone to keep me accountable to what I say I am going to do. I live in Bend Oregon. if you or somebody else are interested. Please send a PM. Success be with you. Thanks Keith
Been so busy looking for PML and found 3 but only meeting on
next week and working with him as a partner for now. Sorry, just
spoke to one about meeting.
Since I don't have anything to put up his company ,which is very big here in Jersey
Can not loan me 100%. They are offering to partner with me because of the
deals I can get
Thank you
John Morrison Jr.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man ... George Bernard Shaw
Luck Can Beat Skill Any Day ...
John Morrison Jr.
is here to assist and prosper with aggressive programs, that banks have not..
pm, me now, ok?
Alaskan Success,Inc
John,Iam in Fl. I have been searching for partners so long if it can work call me 4072920882
John,Iam in Fl. I have been searching for partners so long if it can work call me 4072920882
Send a summary of the project(s) needing funding to:
I attended a seminar this weekend hosted by Equity Trust. They oversee Roth IRAs. The room was full of folks who have self directed IRAs in hopes of rebuilding the retirement funds they lost when the market took it's huge hit. Problem is these folks don't know the real estate market. Enter the other half of the room...a lot of our local REIA members! See if you can locate people with Self Directed IRAs or 401Ks. You have what they are looking for to invest within theses accounts. If they don't have safe, sound, profitable investments, like real estate, they are making nothing. Many expressed intrest in holding mortgages if they didn't want to actually hold the real estate and manage it themselves. At any rate, it's a win win for the IRA holder and the appropriate real estate investor.