I can across a vacant home, but it is a nice house. Research showed that home was purchased in 2006 then sold again to a private party in 2008 for more than $300K. Since the house is vacant, I'm thinking the owners just walked away from it or it could be in foreclosure. How can I find out if it was foreclosed on?
The last thing the land records shows is that the initial trustee was replaced with more than 1 new trustees in 2009. Nothing after that Trustee recording.
Always striving to move forward toward better times!
Verna (newage8767)
County website for the "Clerk of Courts" or just go down to the court house. You can see if Lis Pendens has been filed, starting the foreclosure process, or if there is a final judgment & is going back to the bank.
The Register of Deeds is going to be your best bet. All foreclosures must be registered. Look for recorded NOD or Notices of Default.
I would recommend sending a letter to the owner stating that you are interested in the home and wondered if he or she would be interested in selling it. Can't hurt and you may get your answer much quicker.