NEVER do business with Assure America Title Company

NEVER do business with Assure America Title Company

If you are searching for a title company in Florida I would HIGHLY recommend that you don't do business withese people...EVER!!!!

All I asked was "Do you do double closings and what are your fees?" I was quickly accused of being a crook trying to take advantage of people.

So look elsewhere!!


"Winners never quit and quitters never win."-Vince Lombardi

Rick Cooper Investments

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Thanks for the info

If you need a Title co in FL

I have used Universal Land and Title co in FL for a few deals, last one an assignment of contract.
hope that helps.


BC, thank you for the tip. Thier rude, discourtious rep put a damper on my mood since Friday. I KNOW I'm a better person than that. According to BC's tip they're are others. Lets hope Anthony realizes the errors of his ways.


"Winners never quit and quitters never win."-Vince Lombardi

Rick Cooper Investments

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Way to keep Moving on Rick!

Just keep pushing forward!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Fired up FLAREI

Thanks Tammy. I'm reminded of Peter Jackson who was turned down by all other studios. He went onto Newline and made "Lord of the rings" movies and made a bucketload of money. And so many others that was turned down and ended up making it. Also, what happens when you tell a child "no". They do it anyway. You see my point. No one can stop this machine.....but me!


"Winners never quit and quitters never win."-Vince Lombardi

Rick Cooper Investments

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Title companies


Most Title Company offices are franchises just like your local Burger King or McDonalds. You probably encountered a 'new office owner' who just doesn't (yet) fully understand the business, including how to close properties with investors and creative financing terms.

I would suggest you follow Dean's link in the upper left-hand corner to find a local (or semi-local) REI Club or Association in your general area. I am almost certain that you will find either attorney's or Title Companies that routinely handle closings for the investor club members and their creative deals. That is not all they do, but they will certainly be able to handle what you and others bring to them.

Good luck. To each of our continued success.


"If it is to be, then it is up to me". -Anon