Hi guys have a happy and safe Independence Day. Ok guys here's my situation. I'm marketing for sellers now.I'm in CT. I have a couple that called me from Mass. They have a home they bought from HUD. They now can sell it and they want to move back to CT because this is were there from. There motivation is they have a son with mental disability and they want to be closer to other family. Now they originally told me they wanted 80k for there home But Zillow and homes.com have it at about 55k. They know that it isn't worth what they thought. My original idea was to get them to lower it enough to assign it but they dont want to come to low and really if they did I dont know that I could get them a home in CT for that low a price. I tried talking to them about seller financing but again they need the money for the new home. they dont have credit according to them because they just haven't bought anything credit. They paid cash for the HUD home through a medical settlement. I'm looking for ideas on what can be done here.
Any ideas?
Posted on: Wed, 07/04/2012 - 15:37
Not sure if this will solve the problem or not, but seller financing may still be the way to go.
They do a lease-purchase agreement for their current home with a non-refundable option payment. Then they purchase a new home from a seller who is willing to also give THEM a lease-purchase agreement. They use the option payment they used from the sell of their other home for their downpayment. And, the payments they receive from the sell of their home cover the payments for the purchase of the new home. Also, I would do the sale as a 3yr agreement, and try to get the purchase as a 5yr agreement.
Hope this helps,
Stephan Roberts
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If they paid cash then the house is free and clear. Tell them they could list it with an agent and maybe get the 55k that it is worth in about 5-7 months and they will have to pay RE commission fee's and closing costs. Or they can accept your cash offer (below the 55k), and move back to be closer to family NOW. You know they want to move back to be closer to family so sell them on that.
I agree that seller financing might be the way to go. Aside from doing a lease-purchase agreement, they could also just sell it with owner financing and require a nice down payment. In this way you can sometimes sell over the current value because someone who doesn't have credit, but may have some down payment cash, is willing to pay more in a down market. They know the value will go up. And because they are not getting a loan from a bank, they don't have to worry about a low appraisal.
Then....they can use this down payment cash to get into the new home.
Other option for them is to keep the home as a rental, take out a mortgage and get some cash out for the new place. Of course if they really have NO credit, any loan will be difficult.
We've got some good ideas. I like the double seller financing, because that could mean a double deals for me. My obstacle there will be finding a seller here in CT in there price range willing to finance them. Maybe a tall order cause the values here are higher than were they currently live. I havent gone to there home, should I go there and assess the repair values of there home or should I have at least some type of happy medium. There about an hour from my house.
I would ALWAYS walk through a property. Anyone wanting to sell could possibly not give you the whole picture. If they are only an hour away, that's not too bad. I know some people do deals out of state, but I understand they ask for photos of everything. I would strongly suggest walking through.
Thanks I'm going to see if I could go there within the next couple of days. After I wrote this I started thinking about it and maybe face to face I can negotiate better with them. I could also point out the flaws in the home.
Be sincere though. Perhaps they've lived their a long time and raised kids their and are really attached and like the place. Look for the positives, then when you are ready to negotiate you can throw in a few things that will bring the price down and they will see it too, perhaps updates for kitchens and bath, too many foreclosures on the market, etc. In the case of the last example, it does not even have to be about their house in particular, this way you won't so easily offend but can justify your price reduction!
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Thanks for the advise. Tonight Im going to try to gather as much information about there are as I can since Im not really familiar with it. Then Im going to try to meet them on Saturday. Hopefully I can get them to agree to lower the price enough to wholesale or agree to finance a buyer and give me enough time to find one while I try to find something for them something were they want to go. If it works it could turn into a 2 for 1 deal. At this point Im not even concerned with how much I make (as long as its something) I just want a deal done. If I could pull off something like that for my first deal then sky's the limit. Wish me luck and Ill be sure to let you gus know how it goes.