Wholesale: local or long distance?

Wholesale: local or long distance?

I am new to real estate, and live in North Jersey. I want to start wholesaling properties, but am very nervous about taking the first step, and getting it wrong. My question is this: is it better to wholesale out of your area or in your own area? The reason I ask is I've been watching the Edge 2011 and in it Ali Safavi lives in Los Angeles, but all of his deals are in Cleveland. Which in your experience is the best way to approach to get the best results?

Also, if anyone would be interested in partnering with me on a deal or two so I can get my feet wet, I would welcome your knowledge and experience.
Thanks again!



do you have buyers lined up waiting?.....there are called "hotspots" ...where real estate is hot right now ...just like cleveland i live just south of cleveland right now .....HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?......i can help possibly to a certain extint? contact me back either reply here or pm?



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