reo questions

reo questions

will the bank accept the lower offer w/ assignment on it?

if they don't than how can we do it w/ an exit clause to make accept it?

please help thank u in advance.


I don't understand...

I don't understand what you are asking, but I will stab at it anyways.

1) You won't know until they do or they don't.

2) Purchase agreements are almost always subject to your ability to get financing. Depending on local laws and good faith requirements (sometimes this is covered by earnest money), you may simply be able to do a traditional 30 - 60 day contract with the bank and simply assign it with a double close. But in reality, this is not ideal. Don't worry about this problem until it becomes a problem.

gajohn80 wrote:will the bank

gajohn80 wrote:
will the bank accept the lower offer w/ assignment on it?

if they don't than how can we do it w/ an exit clause to make accept it?

please help thank u in advance.

Some banks wont. Some might.

You can double close I guess. That is the typical way to get around having to assign.