I think I would like to know which houses are just about to go into forclosure. I could find the best deal and maybe be able to put people who are about to loose their homes into properties that they CAN afford, thus it's a win win for all involved, if that is a reality that could actually happen.
This comment is for the survey:
What investment tool would you most like to have?
#1. Money
#2. Knowledge, and the confidence to tackle any real estate investment opportunity that comes along. This answer may be listed second but it is probably senior to - money.
Example: Dean can confront virtually any real estate
deal in existence. He can size it up, analyze it and take on and win almost any real estate proposition that comes his way. If one can attain that level of confront, ability and confidence he would be unstopable!
I would like to see a buyer generator program. With all the available properties it would be beneficial to have a website that would draw and prescreen buyers.
I'd like to see a system to match up new investors (or any investor needing a backer) with financial backers.
I have seen a program advertised on a page for this, but it was a whole course you had to order, etc. and I really didn't want to go that route at this time.
So, that is my suggestion - I'd love to see that available right on this page.
I would, in the very near future, like to set up meetings of DG's in my local area. Not every month but maybe every 3 months. We can get together and share are successes as well as our failures as they pertain to our area. I think this would be helpful to all involved.
I was thinking of starting a new group for PA investors and Future RealEstate Millionaires. From there, getting email addresses and maybe home addresses. Then, starting with the info I obtained, start corresponding with people like me in my area to see what best suits everyone for a date, time, and place to meet. Seeing people with the same interests and dreams up close and personal might be the spark that some of us need. Seeing the information put to use first hand might also get rid of some of the fears people have and could get them moving in the right direction. Also, I am sure that we all have different perspectives of the same idea, and we might just get a few partners out of the deal. The travel would be kept at a minimum because we are all somewhat local, and the knowledge and support would be well worth the miles driven. I hope I can spark an interest for this, I can only see good coming from it. Good Luck Future RealEstate Millionaires
you may want to start by looking to the left of the page under CONTRIBUTE and you will see GROUPS. Create your group there and it will appear in thee listing GROUPS in the mid left side of every page.
Just trying to get an idea to come full circle, but not ready to start the group as of yet. Remember, I havent even received my book yet. I am just learning from chatting with you guys, and reading and listening to anything and everything I can on this web site. Taking what I have learned and practicing with it. I have got a pretty solid base of people I have talked to allready, and most of them seem sincere in their words of encouragement, and their eagerness to help. When I am ready, the information you just provided me will be put to good use. Thank-You and Good Luck Future RealEstate Millionaires.
I like the idea of having something available for new (or old) investors to search and contact money lenders and capital investors through this site. Somehow, that would make me feel confident about who I was working with rather than searching and wondering if they were reputable.
I believe the single most important Investing Tool to me with investing is having the financing available to make more deals. I would give the anology that if I found thousands of gold bars that weighed 100 pounds in an empty field with a "FREE" sign, I could probably only carry one, but if I had a truck (financing locators) I would not leave until the truck was filled. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve! - Joe
I think having access to knowing when there is a new property up for foreclosure is a great help. Dean's site, foreclosurealert.com. Works well in assisting with this. Much success to you........Lubertha
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Dean has FREE webcasts and conference calls every so often! Be sure to register with us to stay updated and save your spot for future broadcasts and calls.
Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
I didn't get a chance to explain my "other" vote.
I wasn't told that I could only choose one answer, so I choose "all of the above".
I believe all would be benificial in my pursuit of Real Estate wealth.
Indeed all would be helpful,
Indeed all would be helpful, but we want to know what would be single most helpful tool if you could only choose one. Thanks!
Investing Tool Choice
I think I would like to know which houses are just about to go into forclosure. I could find the best deal and maybe be able to put people who are about to loose their homes into properties that they CAN afford, thus it's a win win for all involved, if that is a reality that could actually happen.
That tool is already available from Dean. It is called 4closure Alert.
You can check it out at http://www.4closurealert.com
You can get a registration key by calling (800) 940-9054.
survey question
This comment is for the survey:
What investment tool would you most like to have?
#1. Money
#2. Knowledge, and the confidence to tackle any real estate investment opportunity that comes along. This answer may be listed second but it is probably senior to - money.
Example: Dean can confront virtually any real estate
deal in existence. He can size it up, analyze it and take on and win almost any real estate proposition that comes his way. If one can attain that level of confront, ability and confidence he would be unstopable!
Money can be found...
Money can be found... confidence comes with knowledge!
preferred product
I would like to see a buyer generator program. With all the available properties it would be beneficial to have a website that would draw and prescreen buyers.
Other - matching investors with backers
I'd like to see a system to match up new investors (or any investor needing a backer) with financial backers.
I have seen a program advertised on a page for this, but it was a whole course you had to order, etc. and I really didn't want to go that route at this time.
So, that is my suggestion - I'd love to see that available right on this page.
I would, in the very near future, like to set up meetings of DG's in my local area. Not every month but maybe every 3 months. We can get together and share are successes as well as our failures as they pertain to our area. I think this would be helpful to all involved.
That's an excellent idea, pittsteel!
Let us know your ideas on how to get started. Maybe it will catch on in other areas!
"All of the above" works for
"All of the above" works for me as well. However one is always better then none if it comes down to it.
A New Group
I was thinking of starting a new group for PA investors and Future RealEstate Millionaires. From there, getting email addresses and maybe home addresses. Then, starting with the info I obtained, start corresponding with people like me in my area to see what best suits everyone for a date, time, and place to meet. Seeing people with the same interests and dreams up close and personal might be the spark that some of us need. Seeing the information put to use first hand might also get rid of some of the fears people have and could get them moving in the right direction. Also, I am sure that we all have different perspectives of the same idea, and we might just get a few partners out of the deal. The travel would be kept at a minimum because we are all somewhat local, and the knowledge and support would be well worth the miles driven. I hope I can spark an interest for this, I can only see good coming from it. Good Luck Future RealEstate Millionaires
you may want to start by looking to the left of the page under CONTRIBUTE and you will see GROUPS. Create your group there and it will appear in thee listing GROUPS in the mid left side of every page.
Just trying to get an idea to come full circle, but not ready to start the group as of yet. Remember, I havent even received my book yet. I am just learning from chatting with you guys, and reading and listening to anything and everything I can on this web site. Taking what I have learned and practicing with it. I have got a pretty solid base of people I have talked to allready, and most of them seem sincere in their words of encouragement, and their eagerness to help. When I am ready, the information you just provided me will be put to good use. Thank-You and Good Luck Future RealEstate Millionaires.
Matching Investors with Money Lenders
I like the idea of having something available for new (or old) investors to search and contact money lenders and capital investors through this site. Somehow, that would make me feel confident about who I was working with rather than searching and wondering if they were reputable.
matching investors
i agree with RELady about matching investors w/money lenders. that would really help a lot.
Financing locator
I believe the single most important Investing Tool to me with investing is having the financing available to make more deals. I would give the anology that if I found thousands of gold bars that weighed 100 pounds in an empty field with a "FREE" sign, I could probably only carry one, but if I had a truck (financing locators) I would not leave until the truck was filled.
Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Investing tool
I think having access to knowing when there is a new property up for foreclosure is a great help. Dean's site, foreclosurealert.com. Works well in assisting with this. Much success to you........Lubertha
Also a one step method of what a property actually sold for in a particular area would help. Continued success............Lubertha