When you look to do your marketing you may consider some of these ideas. These are ways you can market to find buyers and ways to find sellers. Enjoy.
1. Freebie Newspaper Ads
2. Minor Newspaper Ads
3. Newspaper Weekend Edition Ads
4. Real Estate Magazines
5. FSBO Magazines
6. Business Cards
7. Paper Signs
8. Bandit Signs
9. Door Hangers
10. Bulletin Boards
11. Handouts
12. Flyers
13. Real Estate Agents
14. Expired MLS Listings
15. Open Houses
16. Title Companies/Closing Agents
17. Accountants/CPA’s
18. Attorneys/Solicitors
19. Mortgage Brokers/Lenders
20. Property Managers
21. Financial Planners
22. Financial/Money Advisors
23. Investors
24. Hard Money Lender
25. Secondary Lenders
26. Developers and Builders
27. Your Competitors
28. Local Employers
29. Rent to Own Stores
30. Referrals
31. Your Existing Occupants
32. Your Contractors/Venders
33. Door-to-Door Canvassing
34. Free Gift
35. Mailers
36. Promotional Materials-Calendars, Note Pads, Magnets, etc
37. Cooperative (Co-Op) Advertising
38. Legal Newspapers
39. Grocery Store/Wal-Mart, etc. Cart and Benches
40. Bus Stops
41. Adopt a Street Sign
42. Laundromats
43. Car Washes
44.Yellow Pages
45. Restaurants
46. Restrooms
47. Mail Center
48. TV Guide Newspapers
49. Television TV Guide
50. Regular TV Commercials
51. Special TV Programming
52. Radio
53. Billboards
54. Walking Billboards
55. T-Shirts and Hats
56. Join Community/Business Organizations
57. Sponsor a Team
58. Sponsor an Event
59. Charitable Donations
60. Charitable Raffles
61. Host or Co-Host a Charitable Function
62. Church
63. Weekly Hotels
64. The Properties
65. Property Brochures
66. Vehicles
67. Flying Banners
68. Trade Shows
69. Home and Garden Shows
70. Festivals and Fairs
71. Movie Theatre Commercials
72. Seminars
73. Web Page
74. Web Links and Alliances
75. E-Mail Blast
76. Your Voice Mail/Tell a Friend
77. Free Information Report
78. Free Publicity
79. Articles
80. Interviews
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
I wanted to get a website going that my buyers and sellers can go to, input their info and I can match them up. Does anyone know where I can get a quality website design. That is not too costly. Also can anyone post their web address so I can get ideas on how it should look and what information it should contain.
"Then it shall be,when you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance,and you possess it and live in it" Deuteronomy 26:1
Godaddy.com offers a domain name for $9.99 a year, which is cheap and their great! Then you can go to microsoft office business and build one for free and just forward the website to your godaddy domain. The templates are easy to use, you just cut and past your text into it a picture, whatever you want, as many pages as you want. Hope this helps you!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Thanks Elena,
This does help. I will look into it. When I think websites I always think expensive.
"Then it shall be,when you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance,and you possess it and live in it" Deuteronomy 26:1
You're welcome! Websites aren't expensive at all. Mine is from godaddy and I did it myself. I also have one through microsoft business office that directs people to my godaddy site and another one through vistaprint that I pay $5.00 a month to also direct people to my main site (godaddy) So you can have other sites for free bringing traffic back to your main site for the same price. Use the same content, I put all my info in a word doc so I can cut and paste it. It's easy to update it and maintain it that way too. Let me know if you need any help! When you're runnin a business on a shoestring budget you learn what's most cost efficient for best results.
Hope that helps! Good luck and God bless,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I'm clueless! If you don't have properties to post on your website, what kind of info do you put there? Name? What you do? Contact info? Broker info?
Maybe you could help me out too? Would I be putting the cart before the horse? It sounds like a good way to get contact information from buyers & sellers though. Any advice would be appreciated!
Maybe when you move to WI you can come on over and show me how!
Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
I would love to open a website. What would you put in it to make it look professional? What is your website so I can look at it and get an Idea on what to do? I sure could use some help, I'm just starting out on a shoestring budget, and the shoestrings are spliced together. LOL
Thanks, Bob
If you PM me I will give you my website address.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125