Investment in Chicago Suburb

Investment in Chicago Suburb

Hi everyone,

My name is Sharon.
Is there anyone out there interested in a sf home located in Evanston,IL, suburb of Chicago? I have a 2-bed,1-bath, newly remodeled bath,buy owner, for sale.Quiet location. If interested, please e-mail me at: [READ THE RULES NO POSTING CONTACT INFO TO THE WHOLE SITE. GIVE YOUR CONTACT INFO TO PEOPLE VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE ONLY]. P.S. Need a quick sale. Getting desperate. Thanks for reading this post.


Need help fast

Don't want to lose this one to forclosure.


Is this your own pers. property, and has the bank started the foreclosure process??


Yes, and no the bank hasn't started the forclosure as yet, but taxes are due Aug 1st or they will put a lien on property for a tax sale. Any advice or interested in buying. Please call me, I think this will save more time. Ph: [READ THE RULES TO PREVENT ACCOUNT SUSPENSION]. Thank you, janmalek.

P.S Anybody else interested may also call.

RE: You had a property for sale

Hello, Im located in Chicago. I wanted to drop you a message to see if the property is still available if it is email me at: [email protected]

Property for sale Chicago suburbs

Yes the property is still for sale. Please PM me for more info. Really need help.
