Getting Started With No Money

Getting Started With No Money

Hey all. New around here and interested in some of the practices of buying and selling properties. I really want to get involved and try to do something with my life.. and this seems like a good way to at least try!

I'm reading a lot around here and other various places to just soak in information. However it seems most of the savvy business people around here now have a lot of money to work with in their dealings... if I had a nice capital to get started I imagine things would be easier... but I really don't, I'm broke.

Are there any strategies to getting started with nothing? I saw Deans commercial about people buying houses for like $500 and I think "Hey, that would be cool to buy a house for $500 and then flip it for more...", but I assume that houses you can buy for $500 don't come along every day or every month for that matter...

So can an experienced vet help me out with my dilemma? Thanks for reading!


hello konan

First let me welcome you to the sit. Second let me ask you this...have you bought and read Deans book? If not then I would say that is where you should start.

In the mean time look to th upper left hand of this page and there is a link thats says "HAV E QUESTION?" please click on that to start finding the answers to some of your question and read through the forums .

Again welcome to the site.


TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny


Hi Konan!

Welcome! Glad you decided to start here, definitely listen to Anita's advice, she knows her stuff. Get the book, other books and anything else you can get your hands on at the library about Real Estate investing. When starting something new you want as much knowledge as possible. Just like going to school, do your homework, you will be glad you did!
Absolutely you can buy houses for $500, even $100 as earnest deposit. But get some knowledge behind you first. Those types of deals are out there every day, not just here and there. You just need to know how to talk the talk and walk the walk, you need to know how to structure a deal most importantly! By all means, ask questions, first read all the posts on the forums and learn from these pros they have a ton of knowledge and are more than happy to share it with you!!


Cool Elena Cool
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."

im new here as well and have

im new here as well and have no money to put down on an investment. I recently started reading Dean's "Real Estate Millionaire" book. Im getting more of an understanding of REI and a little knowledgable but still tryna make it thru the book.

The key is getting out there and doing it


The first thing you want to do is buy Dean's book. If you are here I assume that you have already bought it or at least heard enough people say that and it is ordered as we speak.

I would read that as quick as possible. I know it is easy to buy a book and then say I am going to get to it one of these days and then never read it. I have done it, we all have. Pick a weekend- I suggest this weekend- lock yourself in your house, room, where ever you can and just read the entire thing. I actually read the book in one sitting. I started early one Saturday morning and was done by 11:30 that night. Just do it- you won't regret it.

The next thing you want to do is start looking at some property. Even if you aren't ready to buy something yet. Get out there and start looking at some property. Talk to realtors, sellers, mortgage brokers and anyone else who will talk to you. You will learn a ton doing this. You want to ask what areas these people think are good places to buy, what their strategy is, what they think of the market and anything else you can think of. The idea is just to get used to thinking about real estate and using it in discussion. The more that you do this the more you will feel comfortable and professional when the time comes for you to buy a piece of property.

Feel free to Private Message me if you need more Smiling


if rp is giving you that kind of advise TAKE IT, he is a very knowledgable moderator, and when he talks, i listen, you have everything you need right there, use it, SULLY. Sticking out tongue



No money to start!

My husband and I are semi-retired contractors. We have done renovations and remodeling, but it was always for someone else. We bought the Dean Graziosi kit, and what I'm not understanding is how do you purchase a fixer-upper with NO MONEY!
We are anxious to get started, We just need a slight push in the right direction and I think we can go from there. Can someone help out?

where to start

First welcome to the site
Second - look to the upper left corner of this page and click on link that say START HERE - FAQ's - it will jump start you and give you lots of good information


TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny



Just keep reading the book and dare to dream!
We all have to have that positive thought pattern to believe in ourselves and know that all it takes is to get out there and do it. BUT, read the book and ask questions and just do the research.
I am starting out with absolutely no money and no credit but reading Dean's book gives so many wonderful strategies for getting around these 'little setbacks' so we can all achieve no matter where we start. Sure, it may take a little longer than it has for those with some money to start with, but we can do it too.

Welcome to the site..

