Hi, I have located an apartment complex with 16 apartments. 13 are rented with a monthly income of about $14,000. The owner would be willing to sell for $1,000,000.00. The value of this complex is way more than that. I have not locked it because I'm still looking for a serious investor willing to make from $70,000 to $100,000 profit in a short time frame. "DEAN" IF YOU'RE READING THIS, AND THINK A LITTLE DIFFERENT, SEND ME AN E-MAIL TO: WMCCCSN@**** AND MAYBE WE CAN DISCUSS IT FURTHER!. This goes to any investor who is willing to be in the right place at the right time!!!!
It would be helpful to know some more upfront info in the post, such as city and/or state, year built, etc.
Also, is the $14k/mo based strictly on monthly rent (avg place is ~$1,000/mo?) or does that include other fees or sales they generate? What is net generated?
It sounds like either you found a gem or there is something overlooked on this property, because unless the net return is super low, you would be making a monthly profit by just signing the papers, let alone the appreciation.
If it's located in my region of the country I'd be interested. Let us know.
The complex is located in Coral Springs, Fl.
8 apartments are 3/bed @ $1050 per month.
8 apartments are 2/bed @ $900 per month.
Now there's only 2 apartments left to rent.
Once everything gets rented, the monthly rent income would be $15,600.
I ran some comps, and this property is being sold well below market value. The owner wants to sell it because of personal health problems. The only reason why I haven't taken action is, because I don't have the investment capital to back me up. If you are really interested on learning more about my plans for this property. Please e-mail me @ WMCCCSN@****
MAYBE WE COULD EXCHANGE NUMBERS, AND GO OVER IT IN MORE DETAIL. Don't worry if this property is not in your region. Contact me and I will show you how you could still make a big profit on this deal. I read Dean's book a few times, and I'm very confident that this property has great profit potential.
Regardles of your responce. I want to thank you for taking the time to reply.
Dean does read and participate at this site. Depending on his schedule this can be very frequent or infrequent.
Our whole team keeps a pulse on this site day in and out. Dean gets all of the recurring questions and issues ran by him for insight. Our team disseminates the information to the members. So you know your cynicism was 100% unwarranted, I'll let you know that we discussed the viability of this very deal in a meeting amongst our team, including Dean himself, a few weeks ago. We were hoping to see some pictures and details emerge on here.
Thank you for contributing within in the site, but in the future do not wrap your contributions in cynicism or sarcasm. They have no place on this forum.
Thank you for your understanding,
Hi guys. I haven't been on your site for some time now, and I just read your FYI from 3-19-08.
To tell you the truth I never got to read Ali's blog. The reason why you didn't see any more information about this deal was, because I did get some investors to write me back. I spoke to them over the phone, and we were ready to make a deal. The deal had a sudden stop because the owner of this complex got very sick before we could lock the deal. His family got involved, and they didn't want to sell anymore. I explained to my investors & apologized. They were really nice about it, and they told me to keep them in mind if anything else comes about. I hope you don't think for a moment that when I mentioned your name, when I was looking for investors. That I was being sarcastic like Ali. I'm sorry that some people would think that way, because if it wasn't for your website. I would of never made contact with investors. Continue your great work & success, and don't pay attention to comments like that.
Cordially Yours,
hi if this is anyone interested I'm looking for an investor to help me in buying a pool hall. It is a friend of My family who is saling it and wants $95,000. For the building and everything in it. She will walk out and hand the keys over when money in hands. She just got bored at running at it. It is also a resturant combonations. I want to change it into a Christian Pool Hall for young kids and elderly. The Lord has put this on My heart to do for My Community cause the drug and crimes are rasieing here and he wants Me to use this to try to lead them to him and show them they don't need that to have fun. thanks and God Bless ps I need around 150,000 for some improvments I like to make and funding for staffing.
I have a deal that some might be interested in. This particular house is loacated near the only area still proving to show profits in this volitile market. This property is in Monroe, N.C.(Near Charlotte N.C.) This property is lakefront and it is sold at about $100,000.00 under appraised value. This property is worth you inquiring about! I ALREADY HAVE THE LENDERS IN LINE FOR THE APPROPIATE BUYER! This is nearing the best selling time of the year and lakefront property never last long.Remember- this is one of the only places in the U.S that is still showing overwhelming profits in this market! If you are interested, e-mail me and I would be glad to show you pictures and give you information! We could have this deal wrapped up in the next two weeks. Closing and all!
You cannot always trust your friends and family. Family will cut your throat before friends, and they'll do it too. For example, good conartists. Trust me, I have encountered that problem before. Good luck all, and keep up with the positive reenforcement!!!