When I began in real estate over 10 years ago I failed, in fact several times. My first deal was a fraud laden transaction, not by me but the seller. I had friends that said after my first failure when trying my next transaction "didn't you learn from the last one." For the fist several years I was told many, many times that I could not do what I trying to do.
If I had to do it over again I would have gotten a coach; someone that has done this before. The mistakes that I saw I would have avoided and gotten better result.
Coaching works because you can catapult off of other experiences, learn far above your normal learning curve and avoid unnecessary troubles.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Are you telling us that you are one of Dean's coaches?
It is hard to know who is who on this site.
Please let me know. If you are not a coach for this program, are you being coached through it?
Deb on the site if you look under the username or posters name you will see thier titles i.e OFFICIAL COACH, Moderator etc. if they (like me) are heavy site users but not moderators or coaches then you will see things like, lurker, DG Enthusiast, DG Superstar, etc...those titles are based on accumulated points but the coaches work for Dean.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
It's an issue of scarce resources.
Given the choice between paying for a coach or making a down payment on a house, Ill take the down payment.
If you don't have a coach isn't their a higher chance that the deal could go bad and you lose more in the long run?
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.
Ok guys let me weigh in on this one.
First off - NO I have not been through coaching.
BUT - let me say this. Coaching my be a very positive thing for a lot of people on the site. Especially those that need a more aggressive approach to the real estate learning curve. Not everyone can soak up what they read and hear and understand it. Some people need to be taken by the hand and lead until they can follow their own path.
Now with that being said, I have had the opportunity to get to know one or two of Dean's coaches personally over the phone and I would recommend them to anyone. I realize the cost of the training my not be affordable for everyone but for those that really want it or need it they can actually show you ways of paying for it without coming out of pocket using OPM (other peoples money) - yes, there is a no money down approach to the coaching as well.
If you feel the coaching will give you the leverage to on your own then do it, if the money does not work for you or you feel you can do it on your own - then do it, but please do not discourage those on here that want or need the training. We are all different, meaning none of us learn the same.
So do what we do best on here and SUPPORT each other. Even if we don't necessarily agree with them. Support ids what we are here for.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
When it comes to coaching I do believe it can be a bennefit to anyone. You are piggybacking off first their personal experience and also all the experience they gain from talking to others. Coaches get to talk to many different people and learn from their experience in investing in real estate. If coaching saves you from one bad deal it is money well spent. Sometimes just talking to someone that is encouraging to what you are trying to accomplish is the push they need to succeed.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
I would have to say Dean would be for coaching. Why else would he have a coaching program?
There is far more that you can learn from someone that has actually been there than a book or text. Anyone who has been in real estate understands that there are always intricacies that are not found in the written text that you learn in doing the deal. Coaches offer this amazing insight.
A quote I myself love and try to live:
If you want to fly with the Eagles don't dwell with the Turkeys.
Those that have been the wealthiest in this country will tell you the same. Coaching and mentoring is fantastic.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Has anyone bought a Repo house, and what was...
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This does not relate to the original topic, please create a new topic for this. Thanks -DGadmin
I agree with Anita we have to keep all of this susport on a postive base for the new investors.We are trying to do a good thing here and i thankful for all the help and susport
Mr Bill
I did speak with the customer service department and they advised why I needed a coach and while I see the value and short cut to landing your first deal. Of course that first deal is a motivator to continue and get your feet wet. However, if I had the money they are eluding to for the expertise of the coach I would be surely using that money on my first deal. Hey, I know it is an investment and I am not knocking it whatsover just not in a position to go that route. I would have hit my first tax sale if I had the sort of money they are charging. Sorry, Dean just on the bottom of the rung right now but I do recognize the value in getting a coach.
I will have to disagree with not getting coaching. I can express my opinion because I have been through coaching.
Argument #1 "I would rather spend the money for coaching on a down payment on a house." Nope, the idea is to buy NO MONEY DOWN!!! When someone uses this excuse they are setting themselves up for failure. Why? Because after you spend all your money on the first down payment, what are you going to do on the second property? or the third? Think long term-Always! Maybe the coach would have shown you a way to buy the property with no down payment and cash at closing. Always, Always, Always enter the deal with the mindset to buy no money out of your pocket! Invest your knowledge, not your money.
Argument #2 "I don't have the money to pay for coaching". Nope, that is a failure pattern within your mindset that will limit you financially the rest of your life. Always ask yourself "how can I afford it". That question will cause your mind to go into creative action mode that will produce results. Not only that but if you can't come up with $5K to invest in coaching how will you come up with $100K to buy a house. I can look into the most broke person's finances on this site and show them how to come up with the $5K for coaching in the next 120 days without doing a single real estate deal-guaranteed! If you truly want it bad enough you will find away to get it. Also, remember what Einstein said "the significant problems we face in life cannot be solved with the same thinking that originally created the problem" If your mindset says I can't afford coaching then the same mindset says I can't afford a house. Sorry it just can't. This point can't be argued!
I will leave with a few quotes to demonstrate my points.
You can feed a man a fish and feed him for a day, or you can teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Jesus
He who invests his purse into his mind can never be robbed. Ben Franklin
Your first investment should always be in yourself. Unknown
Some of you will really think about what I have just said and will get it. Others will argue it and never get it.
If you don't want to get the coaching then don't do it. You have to want it. Just don't give the excuses given above to avoid coaching, it's a failure pattern. I know because those were my excuses in the beginning and the more I thought about the more I realized I needed to change. I did over 15 cash at closing real estate deals that sky rocketed my wealth. I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't taken the coaching. There was no way I could have done that many deals...I was broke.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
it's hard for me to argue with a post like that. MY HERO, SULLY.
I have to say that I can and do relate to every excuse put forward!
I have come up with the same excuses and yet I could rake up the credit to do it if I was game enough to put my last few thousand in credit on the line.
I am just too scared of failing and I will admit it.
So, cbrpower, why won't you tell us how your coaching went, what they did, AND did you get your 5 deals in 6 months (I think that is what it is?) and get your money back? I enjoyed your answer above though!
I have been asking for anyone who spent that money on coaching to give me a rundown on what they do to inspire, teach and help get you over the fear? So far no-one has given me a clue!
PLEASE SHARE. Just the outline will do!
I do agree though, that the hands on is a better way for all to learn.
I do agree with your comment. yes it would be great to have a coach. but I for one am new at this and don't have the funds to get one now. so i will have to learn the most i can by doing a lot of reading and asking questions. and doing my homework. once i start making income then yes i will get a coach. now i will use the mentor's on this site.
Don't let that negative feedback get you down. You have been a great help to me in so many ways and so many topics!
I hear what you are saying about the fees for coaching. I wondered why they do not allow us to pay it out of our first few sale profits?
Hang in there and know that you are appreciated!

that you appreciate my posts, and i do hope it helps you, debbiejo, thanks for your sincerity, SULLY.
Fear, one of my favorite subjects...OK, what causes fear? the answer is lack of knowledge. Name anything you are affraid of and it always goes back to lack of knowledge about it. The coaching provides answers to all the questions. The only thing that holds someone back is self limiting beliefs caused by fear.
My coaching experiance. I did all the deals required plus a lot more within the given time frame and got 100% of my money back. I got my refund back within 3 months. Just like that.
Also, don't think for a minute I don't get scared sometimes because I do. Courage is acting in spite of fear. I do tons of deals and I am always pushing faster that I should. I recently had bought 4 homes in about 6 weeks, and they all needed rehab. Some more than I expected. When you have 4 homes vacanct and mortgages are coming in and taxes and insurance and trying to get everything done it gets scary. Did I have to do that many deals that quick? YES!!!!They were great deals I couldn't let them slide, and I couldn't afford to buy them! But I got creative and figured out a way. Then as soon as I got them under control I bought 5 more! Why do I do this to myself? Because we may never see real estate this cheap again. I am acting with a sense of urgency. Fear is a part of life. It is also the one ingrediant that makes every story fun to tell. Get busy. There will be a lot of fun stories to tell when you become "A Real Estate Millionaire"!
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
You are so right you have to go from BROKE mineset to a millionaire mineset.And it will take time you will always have to put the work in and learn from your failures and your suscess.just keep reading and learning
They make it hard to afford coaching because it has to get uncomfortable for you if you fail. It may sound tough but it's true. They know if you put yourself in a situation where you MUST perform, then you will. If you know that you just have to make small monthly payments if you don't succeed then the chances for failure increases. It's true. A person only becomes successful when the pain of changing is greater than the pain of staying the same. When I put $ on my credit card to finance my coaching I was afraid not to succeed! All I could think about was buying homes and getting back my money. I lost a lot of sleep that first 3 months.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
how long it is?, the coaching, 3 MONTHS? sully.
I think it was 3 months.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
posts cbr...
fear is a chemical reaction to a speculative outcome
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
If you can afford it, then more power to you, but some of us do not have that kind of money to invest in coaching. We can be coached by someone from 1,000 miles away, but the fact of the matter is, you still have to go out there and make it on your own. Now, if part of the coaching process is having the coach go with me (hands on) and take me through the whole process, from the time i get deal until it's closed, then i would invest that kind of money. Just remember, just because you are coached by someone doesn't guarantee you results. You still have go out there and implement what you have been taught.
Don't get me wrong, cbrpower has done more than 15 deals and has mastered the art of making deals. He contributed his success to a coach because he was been coached by someone. On the other hand, some of us has never made one deal and probably still looking to do a first one, but if coaching will help you jump start your real estate career, then you do what's best for you. I would hope that this site give everyone a chance to learn from one another and encourage each others not to give up. We all need to work hard in achieving our dreams and reaching our goals. Good luck and don't give up, there's my 2 cents in...
Hey Hazco don't get all technical on me, I got a "D" in chemistry. Try to dumb it up for us farmboy's! LOL!
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I appreciate your imput and coaching is definitely the way.... I've made a few deal without any form of coaching orany real estate training, but i guess i would have made more if i had taking up coaching, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us and thanks for helping us out...
Can someone explane to me what is a...
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This does not relate to the original topic, please create a new topic for this. Thanks -DGadmin
For most of us, the first thing we DO is go to school to LEARN a skill, then that Defines our lifestyle. Do, Learn, Define. Weathly people do the exact opposite. They Define, Learn, DO. First they DEFINE the lifestyle that they want, they they go LEARN from someone who has that lifestyle, then they DO what they did. That is why a mentor/coach is so important.
You guys are action takers. You all deserve a hand because most of you are constantly learing from this website and from others who have real results. I don't say it enough, I learn something from nearly everyone on this site. This site wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for the caliber of people posting on it. It just keeps growing and we are all part of it.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I amjust starting to learn all this great material and thanks for all the input
I agree, the support here is wonderful.
I need to answer cbrpower on previous comments:
YES, fear is only lack of knowledge! I was so afraid because I have a totally negative husband and not another soul in the world to encourage me, hell, I don't have contact with anyone else except my church group and I am not about to talk this over with them for 'fear' of them adding to the negative vibes. That is why I love all the wonderful, helpful people on this site like;
cbrpower, D, Sully, Rina, Mark and Anita (forgive me if I have missed anyone!)
I have been neglecting everything else in my life to read and learn from the book, news and real estate sites and all of you. I was a great housekeeper once
. Now I just do the minimum and devote all my spare time to learning. I hate being afraid and I have overcome so very many fears in my life, that this one will not win out on me either!
I was so afraid of this at first that I struggled just to open the bleeding book! Now I am really enjoying it and asking questions one after the other.
I can understand what you wrote about why they don't finance the coaching. IT IS TRUE! "A person only becomes successful when the pain of changing is greater than the pain of staying the same." I have posted a few times today that my favorite chapter of the book is 7; Putting Your Finances in Order. Dean explains about the desire to change gaining enough strength to overtake your fears! It is wonderful and I am still reading it! I will move on tomorrow........ I promise..... lol
cbrpower, you are some awesome inspiration to me and I appreciate that. And all you other great mentors; same goes......
MrBill, you are right. We should all accept the growth from "BROKE mindset to a millionaire mindset". I intend to do just that.
People; I am at a critical point and there is no turning back. I HAVE to change as living with the way things are is not, I REPEAT NOT, acceptable.
I will just repeat that I see the value in coaching. If .........I had the money, I would jump on it believe me. Thank you to the people who did not come down on me too hard.
Hey CBR you make things so easy to understand. I really appreciate the way you explain your point of view. Sometimes it is direct and to the point, but the world isn't always a bowl of cherries either. Keep your comments coming!
Yoda says "there is no try, only do"