I am looking for anyone that has used the AFF system to purchase a property (key word is "used" - not just bought the system and looking into it). Please give us all the details of how you marketed the system, how well it worked, and any other positive information you can give about it. This will help those of us that are on the fence about purchasing it move forward with it. If you had any negative experiences with it you may post those also for a full discloure forum, but I expect mostly to all positive responses. Again, to keep this forum as effective as possible please only post if you aqcuired a deal using the system or if you have a detailed question to someone that has (and posted it in here). Look forward to the success stories!
Detailed Success stories with AFF
Posted on: Mon, 05/12/2008 - 01:10
Inquiring minds would like to know? I just bought the program so this info would be useful to me.
currently awaiting word from banks on 3 properties I found on AFF with the intention to lock and assign
2 of which are on my street
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
For my ignorance here, but what the heck is AFF? LOL!
Oops, I just found it... Thanks anyway.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I am holding an aff program also and would like also to be more inspired by someone's success and experiance. I believe i need to be sure in my own mind on how to put deals together before i put it into motion GC JOHN
I first want to say I sincerely hope I dont offend ANYONE...BUT!......
Taking action means taking risk and taking risk means having a chance to fail or a chance to succeed.
So sitting there waiting to see what someone else's success is with a product/program is NOT making you succeed. Nor is it making YOU any money.
So forgive me if I cannot understand why someone would wait to see how someone else made out, when the fact of the matter is, their success does not mean your success nor does their failure mean your failure.
We must each take that step out of the comfort zone and invest in OURSELVES. Be it 29.99 for a foreclosure system or 200,000.00 for a property, but what we MUST do is take action.
Like a lot of peeps on here, I don't have a lot of money either but I figured that if this was something I REALLY wanted, I could only get it by going after it - which meant spening that extra money that I did not really have, but thank GOD I did because that extra 40.00 I did not have has paid me 100 fold.
So people, think about it, whats good for others may not be good for you and whats good for you may be even better if you take action.
Feel the love.......
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Point well taken.................I could have kicked myself after I hit the send button!!!!!!!!!!
I know..... I can kick myself a lot, most of the time just for the fun of it.... but for the record, I have gotten good leads from my AFF website as well as the others.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
I knew you did and I just purchased AFF so I know I will as well...............great source of info and well worth it. Thank you Anita!!!!!!!!!
Elena, this is the automatic foreclosure system that Dean offers on his Think a Little Different Site. Very nice tool.
It gives a wealth of info on foreclosures.
I purchased the system and it works. I just signed up with search engines on the net and thanks to Anita help. One thing i've learned form her was never be afraid to ask questions. I asked her if she could help me set up my site with search engines and she was more than willing to help. I don't have the computer skills to set up sites with search engines, but Anita was kind enough to walk me through and show me how it's done. However, up until today, i've been using other means to markert my 24 hour free recorded info like the newspaper ad, yard signs, post cards and flyers.
Think what would be like if i have the computer wizzard skills like some of you guys have, but i've relied only on the other marketing resources to market my business. I have a few leads that i'm working on right now and hopefully close a deal soon. I've made offers on several properties and waiting for responses.
Another property i've made an offer on it they wanted more money, but i've maintained my ground. My realtor called me today and asked if i want to go up since the bank wants to get rid of it. I told him no, but the mean time, the bank's the one loosing money, not me. In a matter of days or weeks, the bank have no choice but to take the highest offer because the more they hold on to the property, the more money they loose. The fact of the matter is, the AFF system works, but you have to take actions and make it happen. One can not control someone else's destiny. Good luck and happy investing!
Knowledge without Actions is just a wish!
Good for you. Sounds like you are getting assistance from Anita and I am sure you will be successful. Good Luck on your pending deal! Your realtor sounds very helpful and of course I am sure she knows it will be worth her while. I too have my list going here in my locale with the AFF System and hope to have a list to knock out myself.
I would like to know what the diference is between the AFF and all the other online sites that say they find foreclosures. I have been to a few of thoes other sites and the data is OLD or INCORRECT! I had realtors lookup several properties and they were ALL old or just flat out wrong.
So what makes AFF different, how does it have live data while others don't???
Not bashing anything, I just really want to know.
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
The ones I tried were old and inaccurate too.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I have had the AFF system for a couple of months now. I advertised in two local papers for a month and on Craigslist.
I also mailed out some flyers. I have had about a dozen calls to my "800" number, and all have hung-up after about 9 - 14 seconds, so I have received no leads.
Can anyone offer any advise as to what I may be doing wrong?
Ok Haco Investment, i know your not trying to bash anything, but looking from your status as your badges indicates, i thought you might have known more knowledge on the AFF than we do, the new investors. Ok, but here it is anyway, the AFF system is the system that sort and screen out the consumers that are not serious about foreclosing on their properties. The system reveals the consumers the real answers to all their questions of how the foreclousre process works, and what step it takes to go through the process. After they listen to the message of which provided specific details of how the process is done, and what actions is required, and if all fail, the homeowner may have no other option but want to salvage his home and credit. Everytime the consumer call the number, the 800 number will be registered to your email or go directly your phone number and you have a golden contact in place.
So, basically the system provides assistance with people who forecloses on their home and goes beyound the call of duty. It give the consumers a vehicle to address their needs about foreclosing, but it also select, sort and screen out the one that your will mostly likely to get their business.
The only down fall i'm experiencing with AFF system as gbabb stated, are the hang ups. Since the message and the info is so long and lengthy, i would recommand the DG administration to revise the message into a 2 or 3 minute instead of 8 minutes long. The AFF is a good system, but Dean need to looks into revising it or shorthen the message. I try to put myself in the consumer point of view. I would most likely not listen to the whole message if it's too long too. I would rather see it revise it and directly to the point and sweet. That's my two cents, but i know the system work, but needs some revising. I hope that helps HAzco Investment, good luck and happy investing!
well said lloyd. i am sure this will clarify a lot
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
just because of my experience or badges, doesnt mean I have AFF.
So the AFF system does NOT list foreclousers like the other sites (that have old data)...is that correct? It mearly helps you advertise and help get the people to call you...right?
ok...I got it.....
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
You will not get a foreclosure list like most site advertises, but the AFF system gives the people who forecloses on their properties to contact you. The system will also sort and screen the one that would most like be your best contact. That other sites offer a fee for a list, but you have to go through a hundreds of them just to get one good contact. The AFF system will also save you a lot of time trying to figure it out who's the best one to work with. I hope that answer your question and concerns. Good luck and sorry about the you know more than me thing. I was only kidding.
Can you post your AFF site on here again? I lost the link and wanted to look it over again.
An 8 minute message? I am the most impatient person I know and I couldnt take listening to an 8 minute recorded message, I would hang up too. I have been reading everything I can on the AFF program so I can decide if I should invest in it but I am also concerned about the long message and being able to get leads. Im concerned because I dont have a lot of money but I really need to invest in just one program that I can at least somewhat count on. Am I being to paranoid? I will admit I have a lot of fears Im trying to conquer while doing this but Im determined. So any AFF feedback would be helpful. Does anyone know if they plan to update or re-do the program?
Im scared about the 8 minute message.....how funny is that? Im scared of a message!!!!! lolololololol!
I am looking into foreclosures also. But I went down to my county court house just to get a feel of what foreclosures are all about and who or what neighborhoods in my county have the most foreclosures. I could not believe how many people are in foreclosure and everyday the list gets longer. I feel bad for all the people that are losing their homes, and this is the greatest opportunity for us, the investors, to help some of these families out and make money at the same time. Thanks again, Loria Gathings
Anyone know how much AFF cost after the free trial ?...
Putting out the money is not my real concern, especially since the possible pay off of through the roof. But not knowing, at all, how much its going to cost is the concern.
Just want to know going into it how much my credit card will be billed after the free trial..is it one time bill, is it a monthly fee?
Looking for a few details...
The information was at bottom of AFF order page.
After the free trail the AFF is a one time bill of $197.00.
AFF has been purchased, and is on the way !!
Here's my AFF website if you need to check it out. It's www.utla.buyforeclosing.com. Good luck and happy investing. Let me know if i can be assistance in any way.
Thanks for the link. That'll be good for me to check out and share with a partner for an expectation of what we'd be getting if we purchase the AFF system. I'm sure it'll help others in the same way.
Thanks again,
I was wondering what the AFF site was about too, and the link, and info you gave was very helpful in understanding how it works. I will be getting this as soon as I can as well.
Keep dreaming
I called and listened to the 8 minute message. If I were in a desperate situation, I would listen to the message. I would feel "safer" listening to a toll-free message at work than discussing my problems with another person. Anyone not willing to listen to an 8-minute toll-free message is not desperate enough to call you, a stranger, to solve their financial problems.
"Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise, but as wise, making the most out of every opportunity..." Apostle Paul writing to the church in Ephesus
tryn my hand at lease options would like for somebody/anybody thats havin success with it to share some of there strategtes that has netted them some measure of success with attracting buyers ads so forth.
Anita, I am having trouble with assigning an reo property. All the contracts I see from the banks will not accept an assignable contract. How are you getting it past them.