As a man thinking of buying Dean's book...
I am confused about by the multitude of questions here when THE BOOK is supposed to be SO EZ to use, understand, and apply?
Don't get me wrong; the forums look GREAT for help but...
As I think about buying Dean's book after watching his TV info spot I am suspicious about WHY the need so MANY questions if the book is so easy to read, use, understand and apply?
The theme emphasis of "its so easy, the book is simple to read and use" theme seems lost when I read all these questions and answers and multiple categories to me all = NOT easy to use and Hard to understand and VERY difficult and confusing? Or most people here are not even reading the book?
What am I not understanding??
Good question, sumobunny. I'm one that has read and understands the concepts presented in the book. Now, the book is not just concepts and theory (although it does go into that). It gives a bunch of real life stories, and how-to's, but as I think you'll agree, you could study any subject your entire life and still have room for continuing education. The forums save people a bunch of time when it comes down to it. I've followed football my whole life, but I would need to ask someone who the all time leader in sacks is, for example, but it doesn't mean that someone couldn't learn football in a a couple weeks' time. Hope this helps.
As someone who has been an investor for a few years, yes the information is fairly easy to read and get a grasp of. Dan does make the reading very “EZ”. Actually much more nicely and logically laid out than most people. He also thinks or writes like me – as if I were speaking to you right now, in front of your face. Not at you.
Where the questions mostly come from is someone has actually put some elbow grease to work and has now either come to a place that was unexpected or has just forgotten to get something ready prior to needing to use it. Hey, have you remembered every single thing you are SUPPOSED to do every time you get in your car to drive it. – including adjusting ALL the mirrors and doing a walk around each ad EVERY time you get in the car to move it even one inch. Most of us do forget something everyone in awhile; especially if you have not done it in a very long time.
You must remember that most people using these instructions have not tried to do this on their own without the assistance of a Realtor. We do an awful lot of legal paperwork after the marketing of the properties. Most of the questions are based on the legal paperwork or the exact how do I get from point A. to point .B. in my particular state.
Give the reading a try, some absorption and then some elbow grease. The instructions are nicely laid out, usually you just forget a step or two and that is what throws most people off a bit. They get back on the horse though. The asking of questions for clarification is of great support when you need it.
Have fun. It’s a great business.
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Building Real Estate Kingdoms
So you can retire in 7 years or less
Well put, Herm.
For those not into real estate at all, the book is like this HUGE eye-opener. Like "What?! You can do that?!". To those of us already into it, the book is like continuing education and pure motivation. In every area of life, there is ALWAYS room for improvement and room to grow. That's what I really love about this site. Everyone here wants to learn about the same thing and the everyday people in your life aren't in here to crush dreams or spread doubt and fear. We are all students and we are all teachers. Every single person on this site, rookie or veteran. With each question and answer, we ALL learn something. So thank you for joining in!
If only we had Dean to talk to personally, but, hey, he's only 1 person, and there's a whole lot of us!
I wish you all the best.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
Everyone sure is helpful and patient!!
All the posts have been VERY nice/helpful/informative and make me feel like If I do this I'll be part of a very cool family of folks who like to help other succeed!
but until you order the book and read it yourself, then you will understand what everyone is saying here. Like me, i was curious about the book too when i first saw Dean informercial three years ago. I never bought it though, but when i saw the informercial again in march this year, that curiosity kicked in again and thought, "I've spent a lot of money on other real estate materials and other programs, what's another $39.00?" I've ordered the book and it was the best investment ever. Four months later, i've purchased five properties already. Four on tax sales and one real estate transaction. I could have two more right now, but the bank (repo properties) were too greedy to cut me a deal. So, to answer you question G, buy the book, read it, and then you will have the answers. Good luck!
Welcome to the DG family we're all glad to have you here. The answers you got should give you a good idea of the kind of folks here. We're everyday, real people with questions just like you. From experienced to non-experienced. Yes, there are quite a few that are here that have ordered the book, still haven't gotten it yet, posting questions. There are those that have the book and post questions. There are those who are making deals that are posting questions too. Ultimately only YOU can decide if you want to purchase Dean's book or not, your gut will guide you in one direction or another. Like anything else in life you have to take a chance. I don't get a commission or referal if you buy the book. It's easy to read so it won't take you long to get through it, then you decide was it worth it or not. Either way stay a member of the website because you can learn alot here too.
God bless,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
The thing is, the book is primer for real estate investing. Real estate investing is like anything other type of field... for instance, let's say a doctor. A doctor can be specialist in a number of ways when it comes to the patient, and every patient is different. Surely a single book on how to be a doctor in many specialties wouldn't be able to give you the exact answer and procedure for every type of situation on every type of patient. The book will get you going, but nothing can give you the answers on how to handle every type of deal with all of the variables going into it. Sure, you could use just the book and figure it out yourself through trial and error, but most would rather learn how others handled very unique situations.
Think about just some of the core variables in a deal and why it would be impossible to give you a 100% definitive answer on how to approach everything:
The investor (you)... do you have bad credit, no money, lots of money, lots of credit, do you want to flip or hold, landlord or not, make quick cash or make a long term investment, etc.
The owner... can they carry, will they carry, what types of things that are willing to kick back and negotiate on, do they want to still live there or not.
The property... where is it, what are the local factors, how does that apply to your strategy
The buyers of your property... credit situation, money, demands, needs, etc.
The list goes on and on, but as you can clearly see just the few factors listed means every deal is like a snowflake. Once you're an expert you can easily evaluate and strategize these things on the fly from past experience.
The book gives you the platform and inspiration backed up with real world investing examples. Again, you can go it alone with just the book, but why spend the extra time and risk lots of money on being wrong when you can be fast-tracked and get answers on the nitty gritty things from people who already have the answers, instead of figuring it out on your own, often the hard the way.
Good luck, hope you join us!
I know how you feel but let me tell you it gets better and better. The people on this site are all part of a family, one that you are about to join if you wish. We are all here trying to help anyone that we can. Don't get me wrong, my last name is not Trump or Sheets or even Graziosi ( my man ). I have been reading, listening to audios, and yes Eric doing my homework after 12 hour days in the trenches. Take you time, let it sink in, ask questions on this web, and soon it will all start making sense. Welcome to the new world.
.....Good Luck and happy short sale.....Jan
Always Walk In the Sun
G man, you've come to the right place and with so many people giving you some great advices and feedbacks, take it for what's worth and make the best of it. Hope you join the DG family and were all here to help you.
Yes, Dean's books are easy ** to understand ** and that's more than half the battle won.
They pose (and answer) questions that are not even on a newbie's radar!
They open up dialogues (which can take place here onsite) about variables that apply.
And it all demystifies the biggest question of all ... "Is it possible for you or me?"
Guess what, it is !!!!
(G ... this is where you holler "Woohoo!")
Beyond that -- after you understand the broad scope of possibilities -- it takes
continued effort and discipline to be in the game. That's why we gather here to share.
Welcome aboard!
~ Sherri