Just getting started here, was looking for someone to bounce ideas off of, or possibly someone to show the basics to me...
Thanks, Clint
Just getting started here, was looking for someone to bounce ideas off of, or possibly someone to show the basics to me...
Thanks, Clint
I'm in the beginning stages myself, but am developing a good network of contacts/resources/partners. I'm in SW Michigan it looks like probably about 2.5 hrs away from you. I'm willing to help if I can or we can talk offline about the other resources I have.
Send my some contact info in private message and we will go from there...
Hi Clint and Jeff,
I'm from the chicago burbs and just getting started too. I wouldn't mind swapping ideas with you if you don't mind!
Well, I am kinda out of ideas at this point. No money = no real estate.. I actually would like to purchase a couple of properties right now, but financing seems to be the road block anymore... not the deals. Correct me if I am wrong on that please.
Are these properties with Realtors or FSBOs? You CAN do deals with no money on FSBOs. You just need to be creative on structuring your deals and don't be afraid to ask the sellers for what you want, if they're motivated enough they will play ball.
God bless,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
have been from an REO listings from the real estate agents. I only just recently ran into a gentleman that said he would be willing to finance a project through rehab for me. You don't meet these people every day, and being that I am new to the whole real estate game, I don't want to sound like an idiot to the guy just yet.
I hear you. Although I'm sure you don't sound like an idiot at all... Well that's great, it sounds like doors are opening!! Good, I'm glad. Look for FSBOs too. In my experience, when I deal with the sellers directly, one on one, it's a much more satisfying experience. You've made a good referal, sometimes even a friend, they're happy, you're happy and it's on such a personal level you never get with realtors, at least I never have. Now before any realtors get offended, this has been MY experience. I'm NOT knocking any realtors here, ok? Just wanted to throw that disclaimer in so I don't start a stampede or riot... LOL!
Continued blessings and success to you,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I have only just begun, I need to sell my current home though so i can really be more nimble with my dealings... I even buried St. Joseph in order to try and sell it faster! lol I did feel something when I buried the statue though. Hope it was more than just my knee going out! Thanks for your thoughts and inspiration...
That's funny C. No, not that your knee went out...
(The comment)
I've heard of people doing that, let me know if it works. If it helps, when I found my second deal I used my own contract and put on there with the contigency that I sold my home. That gave me the confidence I needed to structure the deal with that as an extra escape clause. Plus, the seller knew I was serious and not just a 'tire kicker.' I hope your knee feels better now.
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."