possibly going to closing

possibly going to closing

Hi, I am possibly going to settlement soon and have a contract on my house. I will be totally fullfilled to make my profit. I am getting very excited. I want to get into something else while settlement awaits but what should i do. Anyone have any ideas. I am alittle scared to take the plunge because i feel as if i have to have direction.Someone help. I don't know which is better foreclosures or lease purchase. Thanks, cindy.


cindy REI


Where the market is now, I think foreclosures are the way to go. NODs should be peaking in 2-3 months which means foreclosures should be peaking toward the end of the year.

I am looking to pick up instant equity by making offers around 50% of FMV.


How do you find the foreclosures? What does NOD and FMV stand for?


sglover5 wrote:
How do you find the foreclosures? What does NOD and FMV stand for?

NOD = Notice of Default. It is a notice from the bank/trustee to the homeowner that they either need to pay or their house will be sold at auction.

FMV = Fair Market Value. What the house is worth today ie I am looking to buy at 50 cents on the dollar.

cindys directions

Cindy,it's really an open field of possibilities, i mean really though,it's all about what your trying to accomplish,if you want to do NO MONEY DOWN and live in a FIXER UPPER,while making rennovations and paying rent w/ rent credit and 2-3 years from now activating your OPTION TO BUY- the property is already FIXED UP and ready to go/ plus the rent you were paying for the last 2-3 years (rent credit)now serves as your MONEY DOWN and remember you also "BOUGHT THE PROPERTY" at this years pricing = $PROFIT$
or you can buy a FORECLOSURE OR PRE-FORECLOSURE at deep discounts,renovate and then RENT,or FLIP for $PROFIT$.YOUR HERO,SULLY.



open fields

Thank you Sully.


cindy REI


What does nods mean? not to be a dummy or anything but i really don't know what that means. Thanks 4 ur help


cindy REI

Notice of Default

See above explanation for NOD


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