
All About rodske88

rodske88's picture
About Me: 

I was born in 1980 and single/never married..ladies Eye-wink Before now, I was an insurance agent. But, I was tied down to the job. I like the free time and unique experiences that RE will bring me. I will be specializing in quick turning and will also take some of those profits in order to pursue the buy and hold approach. This will allow me to begin building wealth through passive, positive cash flow as well as my net worth.

Everybody drop a line & say hello!

I like sports, write/play music, play golf, love traveling, watch "the Office", trade the stock market, love talking business, like to learn, have fun scuba diving, and went skydiving in Las Vegas!

Topics I've Participated In

Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 45 weeks ago
How I turned $500 into $30,000 cbrpower4110 years 21 weeks ago
Established LLC and Credit Anitarny13411 years 15 weeks ago
Do you need a license? racefan1812 years 24 weeks ago
Success Never Goes On Sale cbrpower612 years 41 weeks ago

Basic Info

$$ Rookie REI $$
No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


where abouts

cbrpower's picture

where abouts do you live in OK? That is a great area to invest right now.

I live near OKC. I plan to

rodske88's picture

I live near OKC. I plan to find a fixer upper for myself in the 'City' b/c I figure why not make a little money at the same time. You're right, Forbes named OKC the no. 1 recession-proof city in the nation. The market really didn't bubble as much as others, so it didn't really have far to fall if it did much at all. I found a great realtor yesterday that focuses on the NW side of OKC. She flips up there and has experience, so I'm really pumped to have her on my side.


Anitarny's picture

sorry I did not drop a line sooner. Much success to you Rod


Lex Templar's picture

Dude your about me: is super funny. I'm brand new to the site and I want to get to know everyone because I'm here to stay and be part of the family and involved. If you have any info about how to build a buyers list when one is minus a car and can't travel feel free to message me. Other than that, I hope you are doing well with Real Estate and keep in touch.