Joined: 2008-11-28
Points: 121

Minneapolis, Mn/
About Me:
I love my family and friends. I love to meet all kinds of people. I enjoy helping others. I try to surround myself with people who are motivated and on the move. I AM ALWAYS LOOKING FOR INVESTORS AND PRIVATE MONEY! I love the idea of making a living through real estate and making my dreams come true. You can keep the 9-5, I wanna see the world!
God, Family,Friends,Live Music, Networking, Proving the skeptics wrong,Traveling, Eating,Real Estate, Boating,Road trips, Snowboarding, Books,Movies,Fishing
I like your "handle" "Take the shot."
I played basketball in high school. I never scored a single point, without taking the shot. It is the same in real estate. For you to score here, you have to take action. You probably will learn you have to take a lot of little actions before they add up to your first succesful deal. May you "take the shot" and sink the basket for a prosperous deal. Pas. Greg