I'm not very happy today.
It's nothing to worry about, really. I just have been thinking about some of the things I never get around to doing anymore, and it brings me down.
Time seems to fly by everyday.
I just can't seem to get around to accomplishing all the things I want.
Sound familiar?
One of the things I never seem to do is make time to respond to all the great posts and questions on my site: www.deangraziosi.com and the inner circle.
Maybe it's the fact that my daughter is now a toddler and I want to spend more time with her.
Maybe it's the fact that I've got another baby on the way, due to arrive any day, and I'm preoccupied with all the preparations.
Maybe it's the fact that I'm turning 40 this week and I'm just slowing down? (Nah, it can't be that!!!!).
Maybe it's because I am right in the middle of writing a brand new book on no money down investing in today's down market. All the while at the same time running a multi million dollar company and having over 30 real estate deals in the works right now, and......
We are all busy - i know that.
Regardless of the reason, I'm not a guy who gives up, so I've decided instead of beating myself up for not being able to post more often, I'll do something better.
Starting next week, as a Birthday present to you and all my readers and students, I'm going to start filming a short video message and post it here.
It's going to be a weekly "mini-show" with all kinds of cool updates and useful information to encourage and help you succeed in your investment goals.
I think it will be easier for me to do a video than to sit and type anymore than I already do.
With a video i can not only give you great information in a format that hopefully will be fun and entertaining, but I can also respond to some of the posts verbally!
Hopefully I'm not biting off more than I can chew!
So keep your eyes open for my first video blog, my birthday present to you. It should be up on the site next week and I'll send you an email when it's done.
There. Now I feel happy again.
Have an amazing day!
UPDATE: Dean Graziosi's video blog has started!
Happy B-Day Dean!
Happy birthday Dean! After the holidays things should be back to a easier pace when we can all take a deep breath and get back to a normal schedule.
Looking forward to seeing the videos!
Your only one person....Perhaps you can clone yourself! Naaaaa
Hi Dean,
There's nothing like the real thing!
I'm a newbie to the group, but based on what you are saying the solution is quite simple. Stop and smell the roses! Sure you want to help everyone because it seems as though you authentically love doing so, but you have to help yourself too! Don't beat yourself up if you don't answer every single email, phone call, ect....family is extremely important and life is just too short......slooooow down just a little and you will soon feel a bit more balanced:) Enjoy the quiet moments with your baby girl:)
Looking forward to the video blog!
Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks from all of us for sharing your knowledge and keeping everyone inspired!
hi dean happy 40th birthday.
hi dean happy 40th birthday.
i think it's great that you are involved in so many things, it' very inspiring. i think time management and understanding what you spent your time doing is very important for an investor or a person who has plans that they wish to accomplish.
what are you going to name your newborn?
how is brianna?
Dear Dean, we wish you all the best (you deserve it!)
Have a peaceful, happy 40th birthday with your family! We know you check in on us and care very much what is happening with your students, but the best example we have is watching you be successful AND being happy (best of both worlds
). So keep on doing what you do, living life "Totally Fulfilled", and we'll be striving to do the same. Thank you for all the words of wisdom in the books and programs you've already put into our hands. They have changed many lives! We look forward to what the future holds for the DG family and we are very proud to be a part of it!
God bless,
Happy Early 40th Birthday Dean!
I am fairly new here but one day I hope to be able to relate about being tired from 30+ deals at one time. But I can relate about spending more time with your toddler does take a bit of energy, although watching her grow up is a great memory that we can always cherish. Look forward to the new video blogs and also the NO MONEY DOWN book.
Make it a Great Day!
Happy 40th Birthday Dean
We understand! Just as long as you do drop a line once in a while. Don't treat us like a step-child (lol). Congrats on the new born! I wish you and your family much happiness and prosperity. I can't wait to get in your shoes and do so many things at once (and they said females are the only ones that could multi-task..lol) Dean we appreciate you and can't wait for the video blog.
Man your old!!
Your getting old Dean!! haha j/k... Hope you have a wonderful 40th b-day!!!
WOW...Dean has hit the big 4-0
Oh my goodness Dean! I can't believe you are 40 years old! Have you lost count of the grey hairs yet? LOL! Does your birthday cake look like a forest fire has started? LOL!
Just kiddin ya!
You are catching up to me on the age thing.
I just hope you have a wonderful birthday and get to do all the things you love to do...like spending time with your family. Sadly we don't get a second shot at turning back time. I look forward to your video blog. Thank you for all you do for all of us.
Happy Birthday and always live life to the fullest.
Happy Birthday
Thanks for the new books, encouragement and time you take for everyone. We appreciate it. I also have a (grand)baby coming......time is taken up in baby watch.
Dean - you have done so much to change so many lives, mine included - touching people you have never even met by your generous donations of time and wisdom. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of all your hard earned success - time with your growing family, relaxing and just being in your own moment! My gosh - your only 40 after all - a real youngun to me haha. PLEASE dont feel any quilt for anything! You are a gift to US for all you've done, and it is a true testament to your genuine good heart towards others that this site is flourishing like it is with so many people who want to help each other be successful. So enjoy your success, your family, your birthday and every day! (But of course we'll all love to see and feel your enthusiasm in video blogs if you find the time
Thanks again for everything!
Time managment..
good idea Dean, use your time wisely....and welcome to the club, Happy-Bday!!!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Dean,
May you have the best birthday ever, as you celebrate your own birth, the birth and life of your first child, and the coming birth of your second. On behalf of your "family" on this site, we would also like to thank your wife for allowing us to have as much of you as we do have. We wish all of you the very best, with our continual thanks for all you do for us. Pas. Greg
From one upstate New Yorker to another. May your special day, be a great day for you and your family. Happy Bithday Dean....Jan
Happy Birthday Dean
Have a wonderful 40th Birthday with the family. As always we look forward to your teaching video. Can't wait to see what is coming next. God Bless.
Happy Birthday!
Dean I wish you a wonderful 40th birthday. Well, you certainly don't look it, I'd have guessed you were closer to 30 from all the pictures I've seen! Enjoy each precious day of life with your wife and children, because as Sissy said you can't turn back the clock. Remember, if worse comes to worse, your wife can always trade you in for two 20 year olds.... LOL! Seriously, thanks for everything you do for all of your 'extended' family here on DG.com!
God bless you,
Happy Birthday Dean
Keep doing what you love, most of the time doing what you love is stress free, adds to a longer life, and brings happiness to those you love and care about.
Take the toddler with you, it will get you get deals on properties. Great DAD's are are hard to find. It softens the heart when we see Dad's with their Babies.
Be Blessed and
Have a most wonderful birthday!
Thank You!
We all get caught up with work and everything we do, and there's not a more appropriate time then on Thanksgiving week for me to tell you "Thank You" for inspiring us to take actions and follow our dreams. Our lives have been blessed because of you and for that, I want to say "Thank you and Happy 40th Birthday"
Hello Dean
Happy Belated bday, I am sorry I just saw that it was your bday. May you have a blessed year and for the years to come.
God bless
Dean! We love you
Sounds Great Dean.
I completely understand wanting to spend more time with your daughter and family.
Great to have your presence here at the site too! We all love you.
I look forward to your new book and your videos.
Michael B
By the way, when is your birthday? November ??????