One of the greatest ways to find success is to surround yourself with people who have goals and aspirations just like you.
Those that laughed when you purchased Dean's information are not the people I am talking about.
Those located on this site, at real estate clubs and those around your area can be HUGE associations to help you create an effective investing career.
This may also mean finding a good Realtor.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Joining DG was the best thing I did. I met so many wonderful investors and even partnered with a couple and have some deals in the works. Just another plus about the DG family and there are many more...
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I just wrote a post about my second meeting with the REI club that I have joined. Just like the DG family, coaches and friends, REI clubs are now #2 on my list...Jan
It's up to everyone here to use this network to your full potential!
There are at least Ten Good Reasons to Network
1. Expand your reach and influence far beyond the constraints of your personal network.
2. Reach the right people in the right places to achieve your goals
3. Exponentially improve your odds of achieving rapid success
4. Developing and maintaining long term business and social contacts
5. Learning how to use other people’s interests and businesses to further careers
6. Generating visibility for yourself, your company and your reputation
7. Educating people about your product or service
8. Meeting and gathering Business Intelligence about your competition
9. Helping people make connections through contacts you have made
10. Becoming a credible and recognizable expert in your industry
As you review the Ten Good Reasons to Network, you noticed that each one requires the use of your soft skills to develop and maintain. The fastest way to reach your goals is to implement a 90-day networking campaign to meet as many qualified new people to add to your contact list as possible. At the end of 90 days, you will have built a new and exciting database of contacts, friends, ideas, and projects and your life will be forever changed since you’ll see the world differently now that you’ve begun this adventure. Take on one new reason each week and watch your life rocket toward your goals.
To be completely fair and unbiased you need to know that some people have failed at networking. They have a litany of excuses that can be boiled down to these really sorry few. The 10 Ways People Fail at Networking.
They fail because they:
1. Lack a specific goal or focus
2. Are not dedicated to their own success or the success of others
3. Are unwilling to do whatever it takes each day
4. Are too timid
5. Are not trained in how to do it
6. Think it will not work for them
7. Don’t want to appear to be pushy
8. Are afraid it will make their life different
9. Lack the guts to take on success
10. Are lazy
Which group do you fall into? Where do you want to be in 90 or 180 days? Get started. Behavior is the highest form of communications. Action will get you to your outcomes.
Helping those that I can with real estate at
I have been talking my investing up to EVERYONE - and handing out my cards along with the incentive of a $500 finders fee for any lead that ends up in a deal.....people are very receptive and excited about the idea, (my mail lady, UPS guy, coworkers, etc) AND it excites me to know there are that many more eyes out there looking for MY next deal :)I did join the closet RE Club when I first got Deans book, but unfortunately they are an hour away and only meet at 9pm at night on that really doesnt work for me...too bad.....but I agree wholeheartedly with jjensens initial post about surrounding yourself with positive people and ideas - the laws of attraction -what you focus on is what you attact in your life is so true, its amazing! I'm living proof of that, and being open to change and expecting a way to better my life I know is what brought me to that moment when I saw Dean on TV, and ultimately to this site and everyone on it!
my story:
We can all take a note from this enthusiasm. Dean just posted a deal that he is working because of word of mouth. This may happen to Laura as well. This can happen to everyone that reads and follow this. I love it...
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
I'm a great advocate and wrote the basics of maintaining ones positive attitude, feel free to pass it on:
Helping those that I can with real estate at