I was just thinking about the recorded message marketing idea we all use. I'm not for sure how much the voice mail services cost but i had an idea. I have Verizon Wireless for my cell phone and I was thinking why don't I just add a line for $9.99 more a mon get a cheap $50 phone and just always keep it off. That way the phone doesn't get used so your bill will never be more then usual (except $9.99/mon more) and when people call, it will automatically go to your message b/c the phone is always off. Then you can just call the number and check your voicemails daily.
I don't know just was an idea. I think it would be a pretty inexpensive way to have a recorded message with voicemail!!
Give me your feedback on this one!!!!
That is exactly what I did, added a line, recorded a short message asking for a number to call back. I use it as my "business" phone only.
I have US Cellular and my plan has free mobile to mobile so I rarely use the minutes because most everyone I know has the same plan. It has been working great so far!
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"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
Are all those extra fees that you must pay for an extra line worth it? I would think that you would get hammered for anotehr line just like you do for one line. just a thought but a great idea.
Nick Walters
Walters Property Investment Group, LLC
See what I have is my normal plan for my blackberry wich includes my mins, unlimited text messaging and my data plan which is about 100/mon. I add a line for 9.99 more. as long as i never go over my mins my bill will never be more then 110.00/mon. All you do is share your mins between 2 lines now. but you wont be using one of those lines so you should never go over or get any unusual fees...
That's a good way to have business line if it's not going to cost you an arm and a leg in fees
Nick Walters
Walters Property Investment Group, LLC