Foreclosure Boot Camp

Foreclosure Boot Camp

Anybody interested in sharing the cost for a 2-day training on making cash from FORECLOSURES with me??

I'm allowed to bring one business partner, but I don't have one.... yet) shoot me an email. Cost for the boot camp was $997 - Therefore, your share would be $498.50

Let me know. Takes place next weekend, AZ.


"POOR people own big TVs. RICH people own big libraries."


I wonder if this is the same one? The Foreclosure Summit? I'm going to that on the 27-28th at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix. Is that the one you're attending???


Cool Elena Cool
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."

a little stuck

I just got Dean's book yesterday and am half way through it. I have learned so much about real estate yet I am still a bit baffled. I tried looking through the papers for cheap houses and foreclosures but i see none. I ran into an ad about auctions but i dont understand how they work. Do I need cash at an auction or do you get a mortgage loan for them. I don't know where to start because there is so many places I could start and don't wanna take the wrong route because I am in the Marine Corps and I am broke as it is and a big mistake could cost me my marriage. Could someone point me i the right direction?

jbutler3, here's your directions

If your broke like you said, then forget about Auctions, cause you need like 5%-10% Down @ most, then you'll have to close rather quickly(they only accept cash)

It dosen't happen how your expecting it to, deals don't happen over night, it takes some time, you need to look through the local newspapers EVERYDAY, you'll also want to hone in on FSBO's(for sale by owners) that are MOTIVATED and NEED to SELL, you can tell this by looking for key words like: "motivated seller", "need to sell", "must sell", "owner will finance", "lease option", these are KEY words that mean a seller is FLEXABLE, and thats what your looking for. Keep reading the book, it will make more sense.....



what are the steps?

hello everyone, i'm one extremely frustrated person. I moved back home with my family. In order to save for a property but got hit with some unexpected medical problems(just knee surgeries and a slight disc problems) now that i'm in good shape again i'm very anxious to get the heck out of here. I'm looking at foreclosures, I'm interested in using FHA(that 3% down sounds very inviting) what are the steps in order. My bank doesn't use FHA. Also, does FHA apply to any residential home or does it have to be a HUD home in an impoverished neighborhood? I'm so confused. Can someone give me a clue please. I've read the book and it's great but still have questions on how to move forward. I've found fha foreclosures and preforclosure on the FHA website. If it's an prefoclosure what do I do first? Do I first call a realty lawyer then a bank? and what bank do I call? My bank or the bank that the property is with? so confused. Please help. -vinny2620


Follow Sully's map, he knows what he is talking about. I would only add one thing though. Spend some time on this site and read as many posts as you can. Probably most of the answers you are looking for are already on this site. There is a great bunvh of people here who are doing REI everyday. Please read posts by Elena, Rina, anita, cbrpower, Hazco, and Sully to name a few. This is a great site and welcome to REI 101....Now go learn and make money....Jan