Need a good laugh? Who doesn't! This week Dean shares a good one (if you were at the EDGE, you're going to love seeing this again!) By all means – watch and enjoy! Exercise those grin muscles! BUT – there's a deeper lesson here too. (You know, Dean never misses a chance to push us further.) After watching, you're going to appreciate your life anew. We have it pretty great. Push that sense of entitlement out of your mind and you'll find yourself smiling a lot more often.
Dear Dean, very funny. Once again you have hit it
on the head. Thanks again!!
local Dean Associate
I have requested the local person here in Charleston,SC which DG had farmed out request for people in certain areas of the US to apply. I applied but someone else was selected. I have also requested this persons name to be able to associate myself with him / her to be able to bring deals to their attention. I have yet to receive any info on this. Is there a problem with this request ? If there is, I would appreciate a reply as to the reason why. I am not trying to be a pain in the system but I think I am entitled to some sort of a reply as to why this person is being kept from me ......Please reply to this 2nd request as to WHY............
My husband loved this so much he wants to show it to his boss. I have already sent it to several people. Thanks so much Dean it was great.
Kelly & I really enjoyed and learned from the Edge and VIP Mastermind. Thank you again!
Linda B
I only watched it three times
or was it four! Love it! It is so true what we take for granted! We have to be more thankful and appreciate all that we have!
so true
thank you dean,that video just made my day!
As always. You hit it right in the nail!
Thanks for sharing the video. It made me think about my students (I'm also a middle school teacher, aside from investor), our new generation, and even myself. I did have the rotary phones and the crank for the car windows, etc, so At times I do appreciate all that we have improved through time in technology and all other aspects of life, but still, for those like my students who were born into the new inventions that have improved the lives of many, they do not see it as being spoiled rotten until it is taken away or out of their league in costs. Your message gave me the idea that I need to share this video with my students in hope that they come to realize they are privileges that we cannot rely on at all moments, so for that reason, we do need to appreciate, yet not take them for granted.
Thank you Dean!
you probably already know how much I like watching your Weekly Wisdoms! well, right now I just watched this one from Liverpool, England while I'm visiting my father in law who was in the hospital for several weeks; so I really get the message about not sweating the small stuff... I am grateful every day for everything and everyone that surrounds me! Life is a gift! We should embrace every moment of it.
What a great video...
We all need to laugh more and not take things SO seriously !
Does anybody know what that comedians name is???
Thanx !
We do not laugh! Sometimes
We do not laugh! Sometimes we feel hesitant and we do not know the power of laughing at all. I know that it works.