Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #164 - Do You Know Who Holds You Back?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

If you've been watching these video blogs for any length of time, you know Dean is frequently reminding you to avoid the negative people and negative news whenever possible. Yet, there's another culprit lurking in the shadows. One who can be even more destructive.

This week you'll to see how to identify and deal with this liar. You'll also have a chance to ask some questions about improving your credit score and maybe "throw your name in the hat" as a beta-tester for our improved website. Watch now and post your questions and comments below.


D-HI's picture

I see people with good scores that cant get a loan or refi, because of their dti is too high because of their taxes. Even though they cash flow, the banks only look at the taxes, and we all write everything off so we can get a return. So my questions is how do we get around that??

Phil Tyrone credit

How can I get rid of an old home 1974 needing $10,000 septic repair and pay off $30,000 home equity loan? Tax value $49,650. Many forclosures in the area. 3br/1b on .6 acre Pensacola,FL All payments up to date no mortgage. Homes rent $750. I am trying to keep my good credit.

Im glad I finally crushed my inner demon!

Lane McCaw's picture

Id be glad to test the new for you!

Thank you for another great

bahney's picture

Thank you for another great video! Our villian if fear of success and self sabatoge. We have the signs - not enough sleep, procrastination, excuses and negative thoughts.
I've read that we need to change our way of thinking and know that our skills and abilities are not fixed but, can be variable - not set in stone. We have to get out there and practice with the new way of thinking!

Too Short

wwillc's picture

In the grand scheme of things this is really not a big deal at all, however, for some reason it just really bothers me and seeing as how you said you read all the posts below your videos, I thought I tell you what it is.

Whenever your video cuts off right in the middle of you saying see you next we_____ (See how annoying that is to not hear end.) Anyway, I've been listening to it for quite some time now and today I just couldn't take it anymore and thought you should know. It's only like a half a second, yet I feel like your message is incomplete.

On another note. My current profession is tech support and I'd like to be one of your beta testers for your new site if possible.

As always, thanks for taking the time to share with us your weekly wisdom. I'm sure my inner-demon is what gets the best of me. I just need a way to turn him off. I'm a work in progress and getting closer to my breakthrough any day now.

Brian Carter

inner villian

angelala's picture

Yes there are lots of inner villians lurking, didn't realize how many were talking to me, so many little negative thoughts so therefore >>>(one step forward and one step backward) I just keep analyzing it all instead of taking action !! gotta get those buyers !!
Whew !!
Glad to hear it's not gonna change too much,
I am such a computer re re...
Am sure that I still am not using the current site to its full potential.
Maybe a newbie, computer iliterate like me would be a good tester, just saying !!....for an extra...If I can use it, anyone can !!
Have a beautiful day Dean.

David and Goliath, we all know the story, so we think.

Hi Dean, a great Blog and very true, thank you. My wife and I share your blog faithfully each week. Actually we look forward to them. I am compelled to respond to this week’s blog. I like to read while setting on "The Throne", this allows me to read an extra book or so a month. This month’s read is 'Facing Your Giants' by Max Lucado, written back in 2006. This is an awesome must read book for everybody. Like you say we all have villains in our lives and we all are products of our environment (for the good, bad and the ugly). I highly recommend this book. We all have our 'Goliaths (villains) to slay. This book will (if you read the book, WILL) change the way you think about, respond to, and get past the Goliaths in our lives. It is entertaining and exposes the villains for what they really are. It is written with examples of everyday experiences in a strait forward way. The examples are exciting and alive. If you don't like to read, slay that 'Villain' first, and then read the book.

God Bless
Nathan and Sandy
PS it can be found as 'used' on-line or in a used book store for a few dollars


chuckmc's picture

Yes, this is always amazing and refreshing. I truely believe that if it weren't for your vision, and all that's evolved from that, there would be many many people that would be hopeless instead of hopeful. Only HEARTS can speak to that. Yours to ours, and ours to yours and your family.

What an honor to witness and be a part of a real people business/family/team. Thanks to all who sacrifice,especially you Dean.


Thank you Dean

Valuni's picture

for inspiring us and pushing us every week to be the best we can and to accomplish things we never imagined we could do!
Even though I have experienced some bad (really bad!) re deals in the past, since I came to this site and met so many like minded investors, my life has been changing for the better one deal at a time!

I do read and absorb everything you write here every week because I know that you truly mean everything you say, and you do want us to succeed.
You told us about the negative people, news, thoughts, etc. about a year ago, and since then I have diligently tried to keep them out of my daily life- the hours of my days are too precious to waste them; and so I do surround myself with positive people and definitely positive thoughts! No room in my mind for negativity! It's the only way to succed!

Learning and progressing every day,

weekly wisdom

TMO28's picture

It is always great to hear others on the same page. Anyone who does not recognizes the main factor of failure or success is oneself is not being very honest. Last night my daughter interview me on the state of the world. The question was about the state of the world and if I was hopeful. Sadly my answer is no, I find most people are so egocentric and concerned only about themselves. What I did feel though there is hope in creating a better life via Real Estate. To date I have had very little success yet I will not give up as I know this is the ticket. I am so grateful for this site and your blogs. Someday I will be DGs poster child for taking the longest! LOL
Ask Phil fastest way... ( I have good credit but life is challenging it) Also, How to deal with getting teenage/ young adult children good credit without handing them a card! Finally if there are too many questions maybe you can link the blog to questions there was not time to answer. Two things there are never enough of TIME & MONEY
Best Wishes,

The Villian

Thanks Dean as usual info is great. Thanks again Smiling


Serendipity's picture

Thanks for touching on this subject today. My biggest hurdle is my inner self. I have and own 4 of your books, and now following the 30 days to RE cash. I am always second guessing myself and I have to stop it. I will move forward and upward starting today. I am about to contact the realtors and continue building my bucket list.
Thanks so much for your dedication to our success,

The Villian

LOL once again Dean you are right on target. Thanks looking forward to the new website.


REIforSuccess's picture

I am one of those people that fight with the villain everyday. I grew up with a father who constantly told me that I was lazy and would never amount to anything. My sister is the same way. She will never support me in any endeavor that I undertake. It is hard being alone and trying to get my real estate investing going. I am going to do it this year. I can't wait to see the new

I went through bankruptcy and few years ago. I have slowly been working on repairing my credit. I would love to know how to get my credit up, so that, if and when, I approach a bank for a loan, I won't worry about getting turned down.

Thank You for these blogs each week. They're great, because you can always go back to previous months and listen to them time and time again to get motivation.


You gotta shut that guy up over & over again-Victory is ours!

steinway024's picture

Hi Dean,
What a great message this week (well, every week, but I really like this one). That enemy's job is to destroy us, but he cannot. The Spirit inside us is stronger. Seems like we get rid of that evil voice for a season, then if we let down our guard, it comes again. Victory after victory. Pressing ever forward to the high calling. (thanks Paul, he sure wrote a lot of good letters)
Joel Olsteen issued a challenge on January 6, 2012 (at least that's when I heard it)- "Do not ever say another negative thing about yourself" Wow - striving in that direction. Don't want to be criticizing the handiwork of the Most High God.

Old Cherokee Legend

HomeRoots's picture

This reminds me of an old Cherokee legend where an old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. It goes like this:

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."


Hey Dean

RENinja's picture

Great message and I recognize that trait in myself a lot.

My question would be: whats the best way for someone in or just getting out of highschool to build their credit when they have no credit to begin with?

I'd love to help you test the new site. There's a few small things I think would make the site a little quicker and easier to use.

As always, thanks Dean!


Hit the Nail on the Head !

BobDProperties's picture

Great blog. No shortage of nay-sayers in my area. Best advice is to turn off the TV, throw out the newspaper, and tune in here and other positive, motivating places. Good Luck with the new site!

Re: Phil Tyrone

When there are old accounts that have been unpaid(3-1/2 years because of illness) what is the best way to raise my credit score? Having nominal income would it be better to negociate a percentage payoff or simply let the them fall off because of their age.

When there are several credit companies trying to collect the same bill, what is the best way to handle it? the same problem shows 3-4 times on my credit report.



Dean, you always know where to hit the nail on the head. I have this HUGE villain inside of me called Low Self-Esteem. She always pops up to tell me how useless and worthless I am. For decades I've been trying to figure out how to get her to shut up.

As for credit...I currently have a decent credit score, but it's going to go downhill fast very soon. I don't have a job and I have student loans due. I have no idea how I'm going to handle this one. I have bills rapidly coming up and I've tried to find a job and I can't. I'm so discouraged I can't see straight. I wish I had a mentor or someone other than my significant other than could help.

Anyway, thanks. I'll let you get back to what you're doing. God bless.


Inner Self

I agree Dean. I grew up in a family where you get a whipping if you spill milk because money was tight. I have never been able to have more then $500.00 in my account for more then a few days. I try my best to corect my credit and it still goes in reverse. I look at deals and it is very hard to commit. I have trouble thinking about the "what ifs". What if I cant sell, What if I cant find a renter, etc... I have to go hard money lender and cant even get a bank account in my business name due to Wells Fargo stealing money from me and causing a problem. The thing thats holding me back is years of failures in my head. And the most fear of having to pay a debt I have no way of paying, even though I know its others money the fear is still real. So i agree with you. The ones holding us back is ourselves.

Thanks Dean for even more inspiration.


I have been struggling with my inner villain lately but no more. Thank you Dean for always telling it like it is Smiling



I have watched your "Weekly Wisdom" before it was called that for years. I have a picture that I call positive Pete & negative Ned (see picture at ). I look at this picture everyday to remind me which one do I want to listen to today.

The real question is Which one do you listen to most?

Tony Scimeca

The truth

I hardly find those that doubt REI won't work but my ability to find all those properties to find theone to make a deal on. So I'm developing a way to push to the level of making offers. Yeah geting to that level is hard for me and my son who is trying to use the 30 book we got from you. It breaks my heart that I haven't broken the ice after all these years I hope he can soon. We have everything holding us back including the inner self but we believe it is possible even with the competition in our area that we notice have already taken the steps to find deals. I think I'll call their ghost sign number and ask how their succeeding. I going to write a schedual and keep it daily.

Blog # 164

Ya..You gotta tell the devil to get the devil outa here.Then move fwd with your plans:

Have faith in yourself

jcwp's picture

Loved this week's blog.
We were just talking about this with some friends on Ca$hflow Investments, our facebook REI network!

How do we quiet that annoying negative voice in our head and remember to have faith in ourselves? I go back to my "why." What truly drives us to succeed should help us push past the self doubt.

I suggest doing the 7 levels deep exercise again for the new year, and remember to remember your true "why."
Have a great week everybody Smiling

villian abounds

Yes the villian within is always there, but I have tried to congragulate myself for small steps rather than beating myself up over the fact that Im not moving as fast as I wanted to. Im still moving forward!!!!

Hey Dean

thebossspringsteenfan's picture

Can't wait for the upgrades to the site. It's already amazing, don't know how much better it can get. But knowing you, you always are able to one up what you've previously done. Can't wait!



You really do know how to hit the nail on the head. You are so wise. I give the credit to your MOST HIGH HEAVENLY FATHER and your Grandmother. First of all God does not make mistakes and makes each of us unique and HE gave you a very wise Grandmother that gave you wings to fly like a eagle. You were equipped with knowledge and skills to help many people in many ways. This DG site is a pure Gold Mine.

For sure that evil villain is with each of us. It is in our upbringing and conditioning by some well meaning caregivers as you pointed out. They meant well but did not know any different.

I recognise the impact on my life and the pain it has caused and the struggle to overcome. Yet I have to thank the Lord because it is making me a stronger person. I am a survivor on a mission to help myself and others.

In one of your trainings you explained 94% of people as the norm and 4% in the middle (that is where the DG family resides in the middle) and the top 2% successful entrepreneurs. With that in mind we have to ask the question "what makes the difference"?

I say it is mindset and retraining the way we think. It is re-setting our focus and eliminating the negative. When that evil villain presents its self and we hear ourselves expressing self talk that is not correct, we need to do the opposite or convert the negative to positive. Then we need to jump in and keep moving forward realizing that things are always changing and everything is temporary and never permanent.

I love what everyone has posted in response to this weekly wisdom message and especially the Cherokee Indian story. It was right on. We can not allow the villain to distract us. Keep your wisdom coming Dean. It is so soothing and helpful. 2012 is going to be the best.

You are in a class by yourself

allstates's picture

Thanks Dean for taking the time to, inspire, teach,and motivate us to coming up higher, to see pass the dark clouds, thunder and lightening, into the beautiful horizon that awaits.

It's having sunshine on cloudy days.

May God continue to richly bless you and your family, I am expecting 2012 to be a year full of greatness with endless possibilities to all our success.
