This week Dean has a congratulations for all of you who had a part in setting a record last week.
No, Guinness World Records won't be paying anyone at our office a visit, but for the people that made the record happen, you'll be getting something much more exciting and rewarding.
What record was broke? Well, watch the blog and see...
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for us. Congratulations to all the new members that joined the Real Estate Success Academy (RESA). As Ben Franklin often stated the best investment you can make is in your education. I look forward to reading all the future posts and success stories of the latest RESA Members. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
I'm just going to "ditto" what Joe just said.
So ah DITTO.
Thanks for another weekly blog, And congratulations to all the new members, And for the ones that reading this i am a prime case of one of Deans students that wasn't giving back. But today I am trying to change that. For all of you that joined you are in for a ride that's unbelievable. I can't say enough about Deans loyal staff and the awesome coaches at the Success Acamady.
Thanks again for your vote of confidence in us. We appreciate your encouragement and wisdom. To the new members in the DG family, welcome. We look forward to hearing great things from you all. God Bless.
I want it so bad I can taste it !!!
Thanks for the encouragement about joining the success academy. I'm getting my monies together to invest something into the success academy,even if it is the minimum . Money doesn't flow fast enough now a day's so I'm workin on it. Thank you for keeping my spirits lifted cause its frustrating not having the money to join right now, Lord knows I want to soooooo bad that it hurts. So thank you dean for all the encouragement. I will join the academy come hell or high water
This is ya boy young Money sayin....
Love and Live Life
Thank you for your wkly blogs and all the learning info you have for your students online! I'm still trying to absorb it all. Stressing to get that first deal under my belt! I couldn't have shared my thoughts any better than Joe.
Till Next Time
Thanks for another great post!...why is it that Joe is always the first to post after a video???
Thanks again for all you do!
Something I want to share with Dean and all....
I have had a really rough life, and right now I am raising 2 grandchildren. I am an interior designer, and my business is "in the crapper with my credit"
Yesterday I was visiting a friend and went to church with her in Abingdon,VA. The pastor talked about some of the things Jesus did in the 40 days between the time he resurrected, and the time he ascended.....I have decided to take 40 days, and do some self introspection....I want to see just what I can accomplish in this next 4o days. I beleive I can change my circumstances completely. I will not only be working on my spiritual awareness, taking time to be grateful, doing good deeds daily for others who are going through a rough time, but I am also going to take your program, and devour it, work it, eat it, sleep it.....and make enough money to releive the stress I have been under....make enough money to change my life. And it will be just the beginning.....
I have read all three books, and parts of them more than once. I am excited, and I truly beleive that I have a talent for finding deals. Thank you for coming into my life...God Bless.
Weekly Video Blog #72
Hi Dean,
Thanks for again making the time to prepare the weekly blog for us. It is so important and appreciated. I look forward to Mondays more than any other day so I can get another dose of encouragement, direction, instruction and motivation delivered by you in your pleasant way that always makes me feel good. I conduct myself with an attitude of gratitude, like you said, and it is gratitude to you for the sacrifices you make in order to help us reach our goals of success and financial security. You’re an amazing person and I am honored to know who you are, even though you don’t know me yet.
I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that my wife, Susan, and I are immensely grateful to you for the opportunities made available to us through your company and your books and programs. We received the books and began reading them immediately. My original plan was to have reached a noticeable level of success by now and be in a position to afford to go to the E.D.G.E. 2010 Live Event. I started receiving information about the E.D.G.E. 2009 Home Study Course. I didn’t have the money but I felt that it would be in our best interest to get it, so I did. I was off and running… the APF System, enrolled in the Success Academy, I heard my first monthly conference call around the end of July, saw my first weekly blog which I haven’t missed since. I moved on to begin setting up the 800 number and the APF Website. I was also going to the website every day. Although I just didn’t have time to contribute much, I did post what I could when I could and I enjoyed reading the posts from others. I have marketing materials (3 types of business cards, postcards and flyers) ready to distribute once I have the phone system extensions completed and ready to professionally answer and handle calls, and have the website ready to perform its functions. Our income is limited to Social Security so I had to work some magic in order to get the programs I have, and I’m glad I did. However, this is just breaking my heart, Dean. I just watched this week’s blog and the last chance video pertaining to E.D.G.E. 2010. Your generosity and your selfless nature are unmatched and incredible. But no matter how much I want to go, and do I ever, I simply cannot make it happen. I’ve made other things happen but now I’m out of tricks. I’m going to be so far behind by next year that my ability to remember names is going to be even less than it is now. I am saddened by the fact that I’ve made too many trips to the well but that is unfortunately my reality. Thanks again Dean and G O D B L E S S Y O U !
p.s. We were blessed with our 7th grandchild, Nathan, last week. Praise The Lord!
Thank you again from all of us for a great weekly video blog. When you're on WIC, Food Stamps, and living in funded housing you have to read the books and watch the success videos and weekly video blogs, as it's all you can afford. Depression, mental images, and raising six kids stresses you out and things seem so insurmountable at times. There are students out here who push us forward, who are models of influence and motivators living lives more tragic but they do it! Maybe I can't afford the edge or more materials but I can visualize my success by watching others and being part of the DG Family makes all the difference in the world. If I don't make it to this EDGE I will be at the next EDGE because everyone here is our success.
Bill G.
Just a Thought
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”
- Charles W. Eliot -
Thanks Dean for everything,
Terry Smith
I'm starting over Dean...
Thanks Dean for your enthusiasm and encouraging words. I have to wait to join your RESA since I have to reinvent myself with less than nothing. I'm reading both books and navigating your site in the mean time. Saving up for some coaching. The networking and sharing with some of the experienced members is something I'm looking forward to.
Thanks again,
Andy Stevenson from VA
Putting one foot forward
Thanks Dean for your kind and encouraging words. I know that God wants us to be extraordinary, not ordinary. He wants to blessed us abundantly. If knowing that it hard to put one foot forward. I really trying to get started. Being disabled and money being limited it's hard. Let me take that back, God wants us to lean on him. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthen me. I am going to do my best to reinvent and get started.
God Bless, Take Care, Take Charge
Patricia Clark/Cedar Creek, TX