Dear DG Members,
This special promotion has now expired, but you can still get Dean's new book, Your Town Your Real Estate Profits, at the low price of $19.95.
Order Dean Graziosi's Your Town Your Real Estate Profits Online
We received your emails and your phone calls and we are doing as requested.
We realize some of you have had problems getting the video rating system working on your computers. We have fixed the problem, but just in case you still have a problem we have made it so the reward link is displayed at all times so you can get the reward now even if you are having problems.
If you do claim the reward without rating, please come back later and try it again to see if you can.
So go to announcement page here:
Then click the link you see on that page to launch the rating system. You will now see on the rating system window additional text and a the reward link.
Thank you!
You guys are really on top of things. Thanks!
'exit interview'
Hey, ya needed one last Opinion Survey request to finish off the end of the Infomercial viewing.
There was some good stuff in the last 15 min!
I missed an episode (the very first one) of The Invaders on Syfy, but it was well worth it!
And I hate to say it, but I'm kinda glad you guys had tech difficulties - I would have missed this great deal!!!
Great Video
I just called my real estate agent for information.
If I went to the DG store after compleating the rating excercise, because I could not get through with the link,and purchased the books and DVD at full price, can I get credited for the difference?
What a deal!
I hope everyone takes advantage of this great deal and this second chance. How often in life do you get a second chance? I have been looking so forward to the new book and now its available at a great price to the DG family members! Thanks for taking care of the family. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Thanks for the New Book
Can't wait to get the new book. The video was great but the slider on the rating system kept sliding downward. I used my mouse to slide it up and a little later I would check and it was back down again. Hope this doesn't result in poor ratings. Thanks again Dean.
Kathy V. in California
the xtra session
I tried to take advantage of the 19.95 deal of both books and the dvd, but when I clicked on the link below all it gave me was the book for 9.95 and thats not what I wanted I wanted both books but there was nowhere to go for them you keep sayng call the phone # at the bottom of the screen but there was no phone #
the xtra book was.....
I was trying to get the two books 19.95 deal only got the one book for the 9.95. I really don't know what happened. Is there a way to correct this? please.
Trying to set up a real estate wealth team
I am reading dean's books and trying to figure out how to set up my team. laywer, morgage broker,realtor,etc. I am at a lost as how to accomplish these things. Is there somewhere in the book that says how to do this? please help I am lost.