REI clubs in Tacoma

still getting yhe hang of all this techno stuff,think I posted this stuff in the wrong place 1st,I was doing a search for myself(I live south of you all)in Batlleground and found 2 meetings in your area,and remembered an earlier post from someone trying to find one up there,here is what I found they meet the 4th thurs each month at Kane hall (U of W) costs $80-$120 p/yr contact person is Mark Schmale (425)458-4797 the other group is the contact person is Darcy Dullum [email protected] phone- (253) 606-7615 they meet the 1st tues each month at the Elks in Tacoma for just the cost of dinner $10-$15) hope this helps GOD bless you all

Here is a rei club in

Here is a rei club in olympia. Creative concepts investment group.Meeting every 3rd Thursday at Capital building in the Columbia room.

just seen your entry

Battleground hey, just north of me , I'm in vancouver , hows your business going? have you attended any clubs as of yet?? have a good one



Hello Im new to this,

Got all of Deans books

reading & absorbing every

knowledge of intells

hope we could do bussiness

hear from you @ the top!


I'm in Olympia and found out

brett_s's picture

I'm in Olympia and found out that the Olympia REI club no longer meets! Sad Does anyone have any interest in starting another one? I would be willing to help organize it. At the very least, I would be interested in meeting with anybody in the greater Olympia area (north or south) who would like to network. PM me if interested! Thanks.

And the REIAWA club:
I went to a "Wholesaler's Roundtable" a couple weeks ago that they hosted in Renton. It was a great networking/local-market education opportunity! They apparently have a forum on their website that you can post deals you find, matching you up with investors (members only, of course)! They have something going on every week. I'll definitely go back.

Olympia REI Club

Triple R Ventures's picture

I am Olympia and always looking for fellow investors. Please PM me and we can get together. I am looking to start deals in Washington. All of my other deals have throughout the United States and overseas.
