Yes, it's hard to believe but today, Feb 9th is our 2 year anniversary of the community website going live. This site has grown to be more amazing than we imagined in such a short amount of time. Most of that is due to the amazing members we have here that make it such a special community and atmosphere that attracts so many others to be a part of it.
Thanks again to all of you who make this such a special place! Here's to many more years of success, sharing, and growth!
PS: Just to mark this occasion I went ahead and set up a code to "Celebrate 2 Years For 2 Days With 22% Off Everything In The Store!"
So starting today and ending Wednesday night choose ANY products on the site and enter the coupon code 2YEAR at checkout and we'll automatically deduct 22% from your total.
Congratulations on your second anniversary! Thank you to Dean and his staff for doing a great job and making the website community available to all of us. It's true, the best things in life are free!
Each year I am sure the website will continue to grow and prosper with even more information, insight, inspiration and new DG Family Members! Congratulations! - Joe
"An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, & the hopes of tomorrow." - Author Unknown
Happy Anniversary!!
Wow, what a blessing this site has been! I remember joining in April, 2008 and becoming immediately "addicted".
At that time, one could keep up with every new post and each new member. I am sure the magnitude to which it has grown must be surprising even to Dean. 

To think how greatly this site has affected people's lives is so amazing. Thank you again, Dean and staff, for creating and nurturing the "DG Family" and for keeping this site available to the hundreds of thousands who now come to visit. I don't think I can express in words how much it has meant to me, but you know.. It has been a privilege for us to learn, share, and grow together as we use the tools to change our own lives and the world around us.
God bless, and here's to many more years to come!!
Congratulations on creating and maintaining such a great site Dean & DG administration. I've only been a member for about a week and I am so overwhelmed by all the positivity here and all the wisdom that this site is overflowing with. I look forward to many more years here and I wish Dean, Dean's team, and every DG member all the best. May all your dreams and wishes come true.
Happy Anniversery DG
Happy Anniversery DG family!!!!!
Special thanks to Dean, Megan and all the coaches and senior members who give their valuable time unselfishly. Without this site and special contributers I would have been lost trying to figure out the little things. And because of this site I made some life long friends too. win/win.
Dean,special thanks to you for your generosity giving us this great FREE site to communicate on.
It will be my pleasure to meet you in May.
A big congratulations to everyone!
This is a fantastic site and so we should all celebrate this wonderful anniversary! Everyone who is a member here, everyone from the website admin side of things, and of course everyone who works with Dean, is to thank for making this such a valuable, friendly and positive site. Though I've been nearly invisible on the site for the past few months, I still make sure I find a moment or two to visit and read on the site at least once a week. Next week is my one year anniversary of when I purchased Dean's books (Make Money in Real Estate Now) and he made investing undertsandable to me and made me feel as though I really could do this. Others on this site have certainly proved over and over again that they "got it" and are doing it to. This site rocks!
I didnt realize when I joined in April 08 the site was that new! I can state without question that had it not been for this site and the wonderful people running it and all the members who supported me starting out - Rina, Matt, Anita, Elena, Sully (wheres Sully- I miss our hero
)...and so many more I would not be where I am today! So thank you Dean, for this wonderful must look upon the 'family' that grew from it with alot of pride as you should! Its become the lifeline for so many people getting out there and changing their lives! And thanks to all the great staff that keep it up and running so well for all of us too! Looking foward to celebrating many more anniversaries here 
We love you guys
Congrats to all of you Master Contributors that keep this page running! Not only that that keep everyone's spirits high.
You guys are the best and we're are truly looking forward to seeing you in May!
I just want to say congratulations on making such a great site with near limitless resources for novice to expert investors to come and learn and build our crafts.
I've had the pleasure of meeting some great people on here and doing business with a few and it will continue.
Thanks alot
Happy Anniversery DG Family
It is amazing just how much this site and the dg family have grown. This is the best website ever made, filled with so much knowledge and support. I can't imagine how it can get any better, but I'm sure Dean and the staff will make it into something even better if that is possible. I know Dean never stops working. Happy Anniversery all, from
Jeremy & Jan
Happy 2nd and many more
I am very glad that I found this site. All the know-hows and inspirational stories and Positive feed back is helping me get off my assets and I'm starting to see positive results due to my taking action.
I really appreciate everyone at DG as well as the tremendous amount of support from the community. Thank you and here's to many more years to come.
If there's anything I can do to help, just SHOUT and I'll be there.
Wow 2 years this site is great for information and motivation. Cant wait to see what it looks like in another 2 years.
Thanks alot for everyones contributions!!!!
Joyeux Anniversaire!
Happy Anniversary DG Website and Family!!!!
Thanks for all our Dean's family. You're all great. In doing this on line you or we are helping each other attain our real estate goal in our life. dom
Happy anniversity to the DG family. I haven't been involved that long but it sure seems like it. The amount of information that I get from this site will surely make me what I want to be. Free from living some one elses dream. I have just one hurdle to get past and that is getting started. I am afraid that if I don't have all the info I will miss out on something. I hope that all that attend the live event will get everything that they need and I hope to be able to join everyone next year. Here is a thought. Why don't you run a contest for a free ticket to the event. The most compelling story of why they should be given the ticket would win. Just a thought. For yhose of us that are just beginning it would be a way to get us started in the program. I agree that there is money to be made and there is enough to go around. There are going to be a lot of millionaires when this is all said and done.
J Doss
Flagstaff AZ
Happy Anniversity everyone here on the D.G. site. Many thanks to Dean and his staff for the hard work keeping this site going. And everyone going to the EDGE 2010 enjoy and soak up as much knowledge as possiable it would be great and something you can keep forever. My goal is to get to the EDGE event next year. once again congrats on the 2 years and many more.
John Lewis
Happy 2nd Anniversary !
Hi everyone have cheer with DG's family
Happy 2nd Anniversary DG Family!!!!
I wish all of you make alot deals on year 2010
Congratulations on your second
Congratulations on your second aniversary, and
many more to come. Dean I appreciate all you
and your dedicated staff members are doing, to
motivate us all, THANK-YOU. What an awesome site
you have created, where we can all come and share
with other DG members, to encourage one another,
that we can all be successful. Thank you Dean,
GOD BLESS you and your staff,for you have Blessed us all.
Happy 2nd!!!
We are all truly blessed to be a part of this community. There are many lifelong friends to be made here!!! Thank you Dean, the DG Crew and all you DG'ers who continue to share you knowledge.
This Is A Milestone In Itself
Congratulation Dean, the Team and the DG Family for two years in existence. We have come a long way and may we have many years of continued successes. Off course we have to thank God, The Creator for giving us two wonderful and productive years. May this coming year bring everything positive in our lives: good health and wellness, love, prosperity, as well as wisdom and increased knowledge. God Bless.
Happy Anniversary!!
You know, I have been a aspiring RE investor for several years, not quite putting all of the pieces together. The knowledge and wisdom and experience on this site is truly amazing. Thanks to Dean and staff and all the other investors that have made this a truly revoloutionary resorce in RE investing.
Happy Anniversary!!
Congrats on your 2 year anniversary! Or I guess I should say our anniversary. I'm so happy to be a part of such a great group of like minded people. Here's to many more years of helping people succeed in real estate.
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Thank you for being here.
Congratulations on the anniversary. But mostly Thank you for being here for all of us, especially us newbies. I found the site before I got the books and I learned many things in short details that made reading the book more informative. I understood some of the lingo and plans as I read them and the book explained them in greater detail so they made more sense the first time through. I was encouraged by the many people and investors on the site by how they contacted and gave encouragement to us newbies so I was moved to start my first deal before I even read through the first book and now I have a long term plan with my husband slowing coming along. I make sure I work my plan daily.
Thank you for giving so much to so many of us. Bless you and Be safe and Lets all make money. Tamara Bobst in Ohio.
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on your 2year Anniversary. I pray, hope and trust that you and your staff have many many more.
I am a newbie to the DG family. But, I'm looking to be in a life long relationship.
Keep up the good work Mr.D. Your best days are ahead of you! Thank you for being that "Go-To-Guy" in the real estate world.
May God Bless.
Gail Carpenter/Tampa, FL
I can't get in?!
I've been trying to login to read the "FREE" book but NONE of my passwords work. Whats going on? I haven't done anything wrong, as far as the rules & reg's. go, that I know of. My computer locked up on me though and I had to re-start Safari to get to my e-mail to re-set my password for Adobe's "Digital" "reader"?. Please help me to understand what, if anything, I did wrong. I never got any warnings or anything else.
Thank you very much for your help.
David P. Graham
Ps; I hope I haven't broken any rules with this problem-question.
Great Savings
Fantastic pricing. Great timing for me too. Congratulations!
God Bless
I'm a Newbee
Valerie Ellis in AZ