Listen to the Replay!
Register for future calls here:
We just got an urgent message from Dean here in the office. He asked us to get the word out to you about a spur of the moment call he's decided to do Thursday.
Dean just returned from a week of flying all over the country, meeting students and learning from them what they are doing.
Well apparently what he learned was so mind blowing to him, he wants to share it with as many of his readers as possible.
I didn't get a lot of details from him because he was so fired up about making sure the call got scheduled and an email sent.
But, we're scheduling his LIVE call this Thursday night, October 1st at 6 PM PST, 9 PM EST.
Be sure to make sure you have the call marked off for the right time in your timezone for Thursday!
My First Conference Call
It was great listening in LIVE and being a part of Dean's excitement for us (my first conference call).
I'm getting engaged (as Dean Says), (now looking at properties and digging for deals) and can't wait to have my story come to fruition.
Thank You Dean
Joseph J.D'Amico
Conference call
Great call!! I can hear your passion and see your desire for us all to be successes. Thanks, Dean for taking the time to motivate us and for continuing to develope new tools for us all to use. I'm really looking forward to October!
Thursday night improptu call
Thank You Dean for the wonderful advise and constant help and motivation you were right on about many things on this call from getting rid of the naysayers on up God Bless You
Thank you
Great Call! So many interesting and inspiring stories!
Keep up the good work everyone! We will not give up or get discouraged. Every offer is a new learning experience no matter which way it goes.
Stay inspired and stay in the game!
Awesome call !!!
This is a great call. Awesome motivation. I think its a sign i just got my first response to an add i posted on Craigslist to be a bird dog for someone, right in the middle of the call! I can't wait to call them! Wish me luck!
Great Call Dean
I am doing everything humanly possible by one person in 24 hours to get to where I want to be...I wish I could clone myself a few times and add hours to the day to get to my goals quicker. I just can't get enough of real estate no matter if its looking for deals or tearing up and rebuilding a house....I LOVE IT ALL!!!
Great Call Dean
I am doing everything humanly possible by one person in 24 hours to get to where I want to be...I wish I could clone myself a few times and add hours to the day to get to my goals quicker. I just can't get enough of real estate no matter if its looking for deals or tearing up and rebuilding a house....I LOVE IT ALL!!!
Great Call!
Thanks for a great call. My husband and I had a
pretty disappointing day up until your call. Two
houses we had tried to purchase, went to other
buyers. Your call was just the boost in confidence we needed. Tomorrow we're going to start a new search, and we're not going to give up until we succeed. Thank you to you and all your team for all the help and encouragement you provide, and thanks to all who contribute on your website. Even though we haven't made any deals yet, you give us the confidence and encourgement we need to go on. A big hug to all.
Brad and Myra
i enjoyed the call thank you
Like Dean Said...
Don't get caught up by being a full time sponge absorbing information all the time without spending any time "doing".
It is easy to find yourself engulfed with learning everything and feeling like there are so many questions and the more you learn the more questions you have.... I know. But you need to divide your time between "doing" and learning to ensure you start seeing returns on your knowledge. Even small things, like locating a realtor or two who understands your goals and is willing to help is a giant leap forward.
Keep moving! I know what is coming October, but I can't spoil the secret. I do know it is something awesome that I myself am looking forward to with a lot of excitement. It is something that has been on my wishlist for investing for a long time, and I work with Dean, so you know it is good if I have been waiting for it!!!
Mr Motivation!
Thats Deans new nickname. Great call, If this cant get us going I dont know what can. I know I speak for all of us on the call when I say cant wait to hear all of the new strategies
Very Encouraging
I must admit, some of what Dean was talking about tonight really hit home for me. One of my biggest concerns is that I won't succeed doing this. That has to be one of my greatest fears. From this call, I have sat down with my husband and set goals for the month of October. I will learn all I can so that our goals can be accomplished!
I Am Truly Inspired...........
Thank you so much for taking the time to share my journey to success with so many! You are a sincere inspiration. A joy to have met! Thank you for all you do for us as a team, as family. Always continued success......I'm One Step Closer! Lubertha
Good call Dean
I was able to lisen in on the computer at work tonight. I am excited to here more about what you have for us this month. I am happy for all the students that have done well so far. I hope you all will here about how well my wife and I are doing soon.
Thanks again Dean.
Steve and Veronica
Fantastic call !!!!
I just finished listening to the replay and it was one of the best. You are so right when you talk about regular people being inspirational. It really gives us the motivation and belief in ourselves that if they can do it so can I. It's easier to relate to someone that is in the same situation with no money. Thanks for all your hard work to help us be successful. I have started looking for deals this past week and can't wait to close my first deal. What an economic stimulus when you put together all the deals you have helped to motivate !!!!
My first time listening...
and it was great!
I think I did the whole paralysis by over analysis...
Im thinking way too far ahead of myself and getting caught up in the "what next" and "what if"
Time to stop worrying and start doing.
Quad Cities Is where I am at!
I have to slap myself to belive how KILLER deals happen! I live in the Quad Cities and like Dean said is this the best place to Invest? No, every city has an oppurtunity, but I guess I may be a little biast. I feel fortunate to have met the people I know in my life today like Matt and Eric. Eric and I have both went through the same (won't say the name) education. Eric spent alot more than I did. My wife, business partner and I put together $9,000 between savings and credit cards. I wish I had Deans books and used those funds for deals, but at the same time if we had not spent the money would I possily have had skeptisism about Dean's Books and never trusted that Real Estate Investing works? So in that manner of thinking I never feel as if I wasted $9,000. I invested in myself and my family.
Next Friday I am closing on my first deal. 585 fico Banker Approved!!!
Great Conference Call
I was very fortunate to be included in this call! I really enjoyed all the great information. Hearing all this is so exciting. I am going to replay it later today.
I was one of those people in the East that had his wife and kids in another room while i was on the call lol. Hey I would say halfway throught the call 9:30pm to be exact, You said something that made me think a little different in what i was trying to accomplish. at that point i wanted to hang up and go do what i should have done a while ago. Thanks again!
You will see what im talking about soon;)
awesome call!!!
Thanks Dean!!!! i really feel a little more cofident now....That was exactly what I needed at this time..I am on my way to success and now have the confidence to get there....
Big Thanks
My 24 hour to-do list is really 48 hours long! I'm so pumped! I made lists last night of houses I know that have been on the market a long time, others that are owned by the kids whose parents have died, and one that I just want for me. I have a list of buyer's and sellers. Made a list of young couples I know that are renting who might be potential homeowners. Made a list of young people who are and would remain renters (college kids). Made a list of the hospitals and large businesses and colleges in the areas that I know best.
I'm so pumped!!! (and I almost have my money for the Academy!)
Got to hear the end of the call.
I was able to catch the last 15 minutes of Dean's call last night.
I will try to set some time aside this weekend to listen to the replay so I can hear all of it.
Call Replay
As soon as I got the email about the Live call, I was sad because I had a class 6:00- 9:00PM CST. I immediatedly call the coach line and spoke with Eric. He was so encouraging and let me knew that there would be a replay. He also gave me assignments on the ITS Training dvd. I listen to the Replay today and was so excited. Also, I had applied for my business name through and the specialist called me to comfirm some information on that as I was listening to the Replay. It was like God saying to me everything is falling in place. As Dean said in the reply, "I am so geeked!!!" I am new to the program (9/15/09) and I still have to complete reading Dean's 2 books that I received. But, after today listening to the replay I am ready to go forward with less fears.
DEAN, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Now, I have to do my homework assignment. (smile)
THANKS Dean -for ALL your efforts
As the say goes: If they can do it, so can we
Great call on Thursday. It was a highlight of my week. I can't wait to see what is in store for us in October. You are amazing.
Thanks again for keeping us on our toes.
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey
Extremely Inspirational
Thank you Dean -
Great words of encouragement! You really touched my heart. It often seems like the most challenging feats in our lives can and often do get the better of us. But it is good to know that there is someone who has walked in our shoes, tasted our obstacles, and decided to keep moving on despite the situation. This is the push I needed. I thank you.
I commend all the DG members who have worked so hard in the past weeks and months on their new 'career' in life, 'real estate'. It shows that it has made everyone a lot stronger and a more confident people. It truly is an inspiration to all, and especially 'me'.
I thank God every day for leading me to Dean's infomercial which led me to this site. Again, thank you Dean and DG members for all you do and the encouraging uplifting words. -Francesanne
*"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing." - Abraham Lincoln
Dean, I was very blessed to
Dean, I was very blessed to be able to listen to the entire call, even though I was at work. You are very inspirational. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you and also that I am proud of you for following through with your understanding that the more an individual is blessed the more is required of that individual. Hearing the sincerity in your voice as you articulated your travels as you visited with various students was inspiring and spirit lifting. Remember my name RICARDO "RICO" WINSTON, I've made a commitment to myself that in the near future you will be visiting me in Baltimore, Maryland. I am determined to be one of your "highlighted" students in your next conference call, I'll SEE YOU SOON!
I was just in awe! listening to Dean for the first time "live" via the phone. thanks for the good insight that you have giving me Dean. You don't know how much this has helped me. I could sense the goodness of your heart toward us students. Thank you so much and God Bless!
Sorry to have missed your call, however.....
I was able to listen to the entire conversation on your website. Due to my work schedule, I was not able to get the call at that time. But thanks again for the vital information. I am looking forward to recieving all the information you have to offer that will help me to become a successful real estate investor. Many, many thanks!!!!! Bedie M.
Dead Solid Perfect
There is Real Estate Investing and there is Dean Graziosi!
I am impressed with your balance of giving too get!
Great Call...