Fred Bauder
Cape Canaveral, Florida ; Brevard county ; The Space Coast
About Me:
I am 56 years old and have been living alone in Florida since 2002, when I returned from living in Asia. I returned to the U.S. due to diabetes, fairly reluctantly. When I returned to the U.S. I thought I might be able to resume my career as a construction inspector but realized that most of the qualifications necessary would take extensive schooling. I kind of knew some time would be spent in odd jobs while I reeducated myself for whatever career I would choose to resume or take up. After some research as to my chances of prospering and eventually retiring in any related fields I decided my best chances would be in Real Estate... I saw a few ads on late nite TV and felt that the education for this career field would be initially at a minimum cost and that gaining prosperity in Real Estate could be quickly and easily accomplished. I thought and looked carefully at the many opportunities available and decided that Licensed "legitimate" Real Estate would be the best bet and after talking to a few Licensed Realtors and a few canidates I decided on taking a Florida Licensing course. I passed it, the test and initial requirments and listed with a local broker while at the same time working for a telemarketing firm and at Walmart as a cashier, 3 jobs at one time.I did not realize that being a Real Estate agent would need my fulltime attention in addition to the insurance costs, monthly Board fees and monthly fees for access to the MLS. I struggled along with my initial broker for about a year until broke and thoroughly dismayed I had to take up an additional job just to maintain necessary living expenses. Eventually I found a realtor who knew a few tricks to get in and around local requirments and was more willing to pay me for odd jobs more related to Real Estate. I listed with this new Realtor and dedicated myself more to becoming a genuine Real Estate agent. I cut back on all the jobs I was working and decided to concentrate completly on Real estate. This was around 2005. For a short time I was able to keep my head above water financially but eventually I had to get to the fundamentals of being a Real Estate agent (or associate as they call it here in Florida). Those fundamentals were getting clients and establishing a list of buyers and sellers. At this time also the law of Arizona and the obligations of my past had caught up to me to the tune of about $65,000 in the way of past due Child Support. This did not make much sense to me since my children were both well into there 20's and now expecting children of thier own. This obligation hit me hard and took just about everything I owned. I also found out that because of this obligation not only was I no longer able to travel (Back to Asia) but I was not even allowed to accumulate any amount over $250 in any account in my name till this debt was satisfied. In addition to that, I was not able to posses cars or homes in excess of the stated amount unless that debt to Arizona was satisfied. This was going to make working in Real estate very very difficult. I also had promised those I lived with in Asia that I would support them until I could get them back or return to them. As you may rememeber at that time the bottom of the Real Estate market was falling out. I saw agents going weeks and months without sales and I was not fairing well either. Eventually my Florida Real estate license expired and it made it very difficult to continue work with the agency that carried me. In 2007 I let my license slip away and went back to the nearest employemnt I could find. At first it was 7-11 and eventually I returned to Walmart (only this time it was part time). I went back to those ads I saw on late night TV and thought I could give them one more try. But, this time I thought why not try not just as a Real estate agent but add to that the job as Real Estate Investor... After all that is what I saw sucessful Real Estate agents doing ...the ones that survived including the one I worked with last. About 10 months ago I decided I would have to commit to just one of those gurus and dedicate myself to that Investor till I was sucessful. In addition to that .. last year I took the course to become an agent again (and passed it)... the main thing that I am undertaking now is to commit myself to Dean. I have obtained two of his books and I am taking in as much of his information on this website and to attend any local seminars. However, the cost is what mostly restricts me at this time. The cost restricts me from attending "The Edge" seminars and to take part in any further education that is charged for. Lately, these costs have become almost prohibitive for me to even maintain necessary living expenses such as Rent and utilities. These last two months I have decided that I am going to all that it takes to get ahead to pay these expenses and my training in the way of assignments or Lease-to-own... whatever mightwork
First Blog entry
June 7th, 2011 | posted by RUNLTD3 Fred
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Time to Start again
Well I am in pretty much the same place I started out when I last made an entry in this Blog .... But perhaps a little more knowledgeable about Real Estate and Deans exceptional methods.
Just as a short personal note as to what has happened to me in the past year, to let you all know where I am coming from. In January of 2012, while at work at Walmart I fell about 12' from a ladder and crushed my right heel and broke my right hand. I spent about 6 months in recovery and spent another 4-5 months recuperating in therapy. I am still not fully healed yet and still walk with a limp. But I have not let it slow my enthusiasm down for what is offered under Deans programs. I still have pretty much the same goals as before and now that I can get around again I intend to follow through albeit at a little faster pace than I did before.
My hope is that as Dean has said I want to make 2013 a better year for me that 2012 was. I learned alot being on my back and reading and rereading deans book and occasionally visiting here at Now That I can drive and walk around again I plan to pay off these additional debts I have aquired and I know that Real estate is certainly the best way to do it.
I hope to make more regular entries now that I can get back on line and keep you all informed of my progress.