It is done

The how hasn't fully come to light, but the if has been decided!

REI Meetings?

Vanoe Investments's picture

I wonder how many aspiring real estate investors miss out on the treasure of the rei meetings and why? That should be at the top of the things to do list. I had an awesome time last night, just being with like minded people. Kind of like church, I guess. Anyway, on I go and my best to all here, that continue on this exciting journey.


By the way..I added another cash buyer to my bucket last night and he is very active. $100k-$200k up to $500K.


reinvestor42's picture

96% is the answer and why is because they are 'too busy', watching tv or playing video games,etc

you are right, it should be at the top of the 'to do' list- and it is like going to Church in a way

Congrats on adding a buyer in your bucket, its amazing how you can come up with $100k - $500k in a matter of minutes right out of thin air

It does take money in REI, but, it doesn't have to be YOUR money = OPM

Keep up the good work--96% fail/quit
