Can't wait any longer. Have to finish my order so there was no time today to do anything else.
Tonight I:
Read some posts
Answered my PM
Got some info on Tax sales
That was it!
Tomorrow's going to have even less time. The bills keep coming and the RE money isn't. Lures win (unfortunately) for now.
Till next time...
Hang in there!
. You can do it!
You know it takes great patience to catch that fish(deal)
You should change your
You should change your think. Put in a little more work and never give up! Wish you the best!
Thanks guys...
... for the pep talk but I really don't need it.
You see, I AM going to succeed as an investor but I need to pay my bills until that happens. I am constantly thinking about RE even when I am working the lures. Being in FL in a small town doesn't lend itself to a whole bunch of opportunities every week. I've pretty much burned through my first batch of respondents from my Bandit signs and need to rethink their placement for the next time. I also need to make more signs. This all takes time and right now, I am out of that. I've already decided to suck it up and pay some bills late but that won't help my good credit rating. I need to keep that up because I don't have a steady income.
Bottom line, money coming in is more important than money going out. Lure money is guaranteed money now. RE money is hopefully in the future money. As you have seen, the 30 days to fast cash is not for my area.
I'll be back at it next week when I return from my delivery. Have no fear, AndyS will still be here
Till then...