About four years ago, I bought one of Dean's books but unfortunately never read it. I had mentioned buying houses with no money down to my mother and she said that it wasn't possible... "all banks require 20% down and a 700+ credit score". Well, I wish I had HANDED her that book then because in January, I received a voicemail from her telling me to set aside a certain three days in January for a real estate investing conference we were going to. When I walked in to the conference room... who's picture did I see? Dean Graziosi...
Welcome to DG Family!
Hi Chris:
Just to say hello and welcome to the DG Family.
I am new too. Just finished reading the book, and joined this great group 2 weeks ago.
If i can help in any way, just PM me or reply, will be glad to share or team up. Where are you located?
I am in Southern California.
And i am glad to hear your mommy joined us!
The best for you and mom.