The Right Place/The Right Time

Hello my fellow and fellowess DG'rs...I've been away for awhile. I've returned with renewed vigor and understanding. Along with I'm excited to bring New Knowledge and Cash Buyers into this very lucrative time...I'm currently using the Ghost/Investor ad strategy along with Buisness Cards and good old fashion Newspaper adv. I'm excited to report that I'm working on my first Wholesale deal..I'm also sending messgs to as many IE folks as I can find that have properties they wish to move...It is my hope to bring my daughter in to help me with Buisness...GBY



fitman48's picture

I am so thrilled that I can avoid "any" fear in "any" facet of my wholesaling efforts! Just pick up the phone and ask!! I've been involved in sales for most of my adult life, so being able to portray myself in a confident manner is Huge for me...

Thank You,