Everything Else

Has anyone gone thru the Dean's Success Team Committment program?

I am fairly new to all of this and have recently read "Be Real Estate Millionaire". I'm excited to get started but wonder if anyone has gone through Dean's "Success Team Program"? I'm debating whether it's worth spending the money and if anyone else has done it. Please let me know what you think.

Property Inspection Form

Does anyone have a good property inspection form or where I could get one?

Anyone from South NJ?

Anyone living in or near South Jersey that would like to share info and discuss ideas can message me or write back on this topic.

Look forward to hearing from you,


Well everyone and (RINA)....lol
I am so glad the site is back up and running. I felt a void in my real estate mogul life there for a slight second. Just something to make you laugh.

I Took the Step - You Should/Can Too!

I bought the book, read it, got excited, have done some searcing on properties both in and out of state. I actually took the step before to e-mail and even call to try to get some information on a couple of properties - but got no response at all on those.
FEAR began to take over. I read once that fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real and I believe that to be true! I began to feel that maybe this won't work since I couldn't even gather information.

Mentor Qualification

I haven't received any phone calls and am curious as to how one would qualify for the mentorship program. I've read in the forum that one can exchange their success story for the costs incurred.

In a unique situation for once in my life...

Hello good people,

My situation is that I am just finishing up my divorce and am going to be debt free for the first time in 13 years. I am contemplating purchasing this new house that I have been putting sweat equity into for the last 4 months or so, but before I do so... I wanted to get this vast user base's opinion on what I should actually be doing right now. I mean, where do I start with all of this real estate information that was sent to me a couple months ago? Thanks in advance for your opinions... and grats to me for making my first post! Smiling


LLC and the IRS

It seems that the LLC's are being targeted by the IRS in the way they are taxed. What does this mean to those creating LLC's with buying real estate.

Is the Single Member LLC a New IRS Target?
A little known Court Case has just sent ripples through the business community. If you, or someone you know, has one of the 1.2 million Limited Liability Companies in the US today, you'll want to read this alert.
Full Story: http://realtytimes.com/rtpages/20080424_irstarget.htm


Network for Investors and Bird-dogs

Hello my name is Ben, I'm stepping up for all of us newbies as well as seasoned investors to start a "Network" of Investors and Bird-dogs. Here we will share ideas, answer questions, ask questions, give tips on what strategy is working now, creative techniques etc. Post "Property for sale" (all types) especially wholesale property (fixers), assignments and no money down deals. Lets face it most new investors either wish not to risk or have little or no money to invest in the beginning of their investing career. So lets...Help each other, Learn from one another and Prosper together!

Suggestions, Please...

I have a great lead on a property that has been vacant for quite some time (the owner lives out of state). Taxes are being handled by a 3rd party and are not deliquent. While the yard is being maintained I have no idea of the internal condition and if it is being maintained in any way. I do know based on comps ran this morning, that houses in the area have managed to appreciate and if I were listing the house I would suggest a price of $215-220ish for a quick sell. There was a re-fi in '03.

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