Minneapolis: Looking for Graziosi friendly RE professionals in the Twin Cities.

Minneapolis: Looking for Graziosi friendly RE professionals in the Twin Cities.

Hello! I am looking for an aggressive investor- friendly real estate agent in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area to work with. If you can recommend someone I will tip my hat to ya!

Tom Mosman,
Somerset, WI


Tom Mosman
Real Estate Investor

~~ Just Do It - Nike ~~


I sent Tom a message to this effect but I am a Minnesota Realtor. I also work with a lot of HUD foreclosures. They offer many advantages over traditional foreclosures and short sales. If you would like to know more just message me.



Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.
Theodore Isaac Rubin


Any Luck

Did you have any luck? I am working with one decent realtor and I recently met another one who I might give a try?
